Is racism in Britain over? Is the focus on Muslims an accident?
Inner Cities Education and Policy Review | 08.07.2006 21:38 | Analysis | Anti-racism | Indymedia | World
Has the excessive attention by Tony Blair against Muslims been an even more sophisticated racist programme than has met the ordinary eye thus far?
©ICEPR 2006
Inner Cities Education and Policy Review 2006
Is racism in Britain over? The visitor from Mars would be expected to think so, if the focus on Muslims were the guide. So how effective has the racist agenda in Blair's Britain been? How many decades will the racist institutionalisation take before we are back to something like an anti-racist political stage again?
Should the Sikhs be happy to distance themselves from the because Blair tells the Sikhs that the target are the Muslims, not the Sikhs?
Should the Hindus celebrate this apparently unique attention against Muslims that Blair has personified these past five years?
Perhaps even the Jews should pause and reflect on the consolidation of racism that ahs taken place under the guise of ‘Muslims’ and ‘extremists’ in Britain.
Even those ‘trade unionists’ and the ‘unusually accommodated’ ethnicity tokens from the African backgrounds should perhaps refle3ct on why it is that there is so much attention on alleged Muslim extremists while practically no reference to any of the most persistent racist stereotypes that dominated the agene of the Daily Mail, the rightwing ‘writers and broadcasters’!
For if Blair is allowed to get way with this irrational propaganda that Muslims equal extremsits equal terror equal enemy then any of the other groups that can so similarly be identified can be made the target of the next attack.
What will THEY do then?
Inner Cities Education and Policy Review
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The point being?
09.07.2006 05:29
Sikhs are not suicide bombers.
Jews are not suicide bombers.
Afro-Carribeans are not suicide bombers(notable exception of Lindsay German and Richard Reid both Muslim converts).
4 Muslim suicide bombers killed 52 innocent people last year.
How is it racist to concentrate on the threat in order to defend your citizens?
09.07.2006 10:02
A rascist with common sense?
09.07.2006 12:15
Meaningless intervention
09.07.2006 12:37
Jews too are a multi ethnic group. I'm sure Arthur would have a word to describe discriminatory behaviour towards members of that group.
Kenn Edy
09.07.2006 23:23
racism = imperialism
10.07.2006 09:52
Also, the campaign of hostility against muslims means that anyone who is "percieved" by racist attackers as muslim has been at risk of a racist backlash.
Ho hum
10.07.2006 11:14
Yes, and that would be why you get white, black, arab and asian jews.
The Encyclopedia Brittanica (1973)
'The Jews As A Race: The findings of physical anthropology show that, contrary to the popular view, there is no Jewish race. Anthropornetric measurements of Jewish groups in many parts of the world indicate that they differ greatly from one another with respect to all the important physical characteristics." (vol. 12, page 1054)
Collier's Encyclopedia (1977)
"A common error and persistent modern myth is the designation of the Jews as a 'race! This is scientifically fallacious, from the standpoint of both physical and historical tradition. Investigations by anthropologists have shown that Jews are by no means uniform in physical character and that they nearly always reflect the physical and mental characteristics of the people among whom they live" (Collier's Encyclopedia, 1977, vol. 13, p. 573).
Encyclopedia Americana (1986)
"Racial and Ethnic Considerations. Some theorists have considered the Jews a distinct race, although this has no factual basis. In every country in which the Jews lived for a considerable time, their physical traits came to approximate those of the indigenous people. Hence the Jews belong to several distinct racial types, ranging, for example, from fair to dark. Among the reasons for this phenomenon are voluntary or involuntary miscegenation and the conversion of Gentiles to Judaism" (Encyclopedia Americana, 1986, vol. 16, p. 71).
Try again - the ad hominems are as meaningless as the intervention.
Jews are regarded as a race under British law
11.07.2006 22:56
Of course Jews aren't a race. All races are mythical constructs from an age when we drowned witches to prove their innocence. All racial theory is nazi nonsense, we are a million tribes of a thousand colours and we've all interbred at least twice. The fact that the law recognises racial theory at all only highlights the law is an ass. The fact that anti-semitism is a crime that applies to only some semites, and that this is a term the nazis invented and their victims perpetuated only adds to the silliness.
Israel and Iran are the only countries in the world that guarantee at least one Jewish representative.
Was the R4 Any Answers 'Kumar' related to the BBC's Indian creation?
15.07.2006 14:12
Was the R4 Any Answers 'Kumar' related to the BBC's Indian creation?
'Kumar' was given unrestricted say by presenter Nick Clarke who let the not reference to Pakistan to go unchallenged. Nor did Clarke challenge 'Kumar' on any of the other factual inaccuracies.
It seems the BBC is now operated on the agenda that so long as innocent people being maligned on these programmes in these very sneaky, creepy ways are Muslims then it is okay.
Has there been any examination of how the Nazis perpetrated their lies against THIER targets?
In fact Nick Clarke also allowed 'Kumar' to describe Palestinians, Kahsmiris and other Muslim self-defence activists as 'another' 'Nazi' grouping!
Where will the BBC's naked breaches of all codes of journalism and ethics end?