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Stop the BNP in Hucknall this Wednesday

Dave Kuivala | 08.07.2006 18:42 | Anti-racism

The BNP are standing in this Thursday's Hucknall West council By-Election. Help us leaflet against them.

We have just been informed that the BNP are standing in this Thursday's Hucknall West council By-Election.

This does not leave us alot of time, especially as many active anti-fascists are in London at Marxism 2006 until Tuesday.

In the absence of any other materials, a group of us have got hold of Unite Against Fascism anti-BNP leaflets. We intend to leaflet THE ENTIRE WARD on Wednesday Evening. With 20 people we can do this in less than 2 hours, and we already have at least 10 people definitely going.

We will meet at the Nottingham Market Square tram stop at 6.45pm on Wednesday 12th July, and will be meeting people in Hucknall at 7.15pm at the Hucknall tram stop.

If you want to let me know that you are coming, or want more info, ring Dave on 07932 417 506.

Dave Kuivala

Dave Kuivala
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more bnp candigates

12.07.2006 18:48

FYI, BNP also standing in forthcoming by elections also in Redbridge, Hartlepool, Filey, Huddersfield, Aldershot and Dartford



12.07.2006 21:51

Is it not illegal to leaflet regarding an election when you are not standing? does not seem fair maybe if you do not like the BNP you should but a candidate up im sure you would get plenty of votes

Paul smith


13.07.2006 19:34

how well did the leafletting go i heard there was some trouble is this true


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14.07.2006 14:51

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