Photo update of Art Activism Caravan
Hamish Campbell | 07.07.2006 17:30 | Art and Activism Caravan 2006 | Culture | Globalisation | Indymedia | Oxford
Trying to get the tecnolagy to work
Screening on the wall of art and culture building
Hamish Campbell
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Duped by Sony corporation Graffiti Advertising!!
09.07.2006 13:26
Sony payed for wall space and then payed skint or second rate graffiti artists all over America to paint the same group of cartoon characters on these walls.Thus looking like theyd been painted illegally ,in top spots by the same daring artist all over the country.
No wording was to ever apear with the artwork but much more subtelly, the characters are all doing something with oblong playstations, weather the playstation is 'being' a skatebourd, or an ice lolly or whatever....
partly thanks to the internet(double edged sword that it is)these fakes came to the notice of the graffiti and street art movement who spread the word and a massive counter campaign ensued to deface and trash these pieces wearever they raised their ugly corporate heads.
If you look on the (a cellabration of street art website) and search their archive you can find the history ov the battle that ensued.
Im not blaming the caravan for this, as it could have been a genuine misstake and I've heard that the graffiti workshop was run by a local man with a swastika tattood on his arm ,who after discussion was not taken onto the next venue.
Graffiti Steve
Sony graffiti images.
09.07.2006 13:38
Graffiti Steve
sony advert trashed!!
09.07.2006 21:42
what you see here was happening everywhere!
Graff Steve