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7/11 tree planting invite Leeds

Shalid tewariz | 06.07.2006 19:05 | Anti-racism | Repression | Social Struggles

3 trees will be planted in Cross flatts park Beeston Leeds a a "symbolic gesture." of solidarity with the Beeston community

7/11 tree planting invite Leeds
3 trees will be planted in Cross flatts park Beeston Leeds a a "symbolic gesture." of solidarity with the Beeston community and
it's loss. it will be attended by MP and Secretary of State for International Development Hilary Benn, lord maypr of Leeds
Mohammed Iqba.
The tree planting will hopefully bridge gaps within the community and help symbolise the loss suffered by the community on the
3 of the suicide bombers regularly visited the park to play cricket and football and local leaders hope this will help bridge the
the ceromony will be followed by a 2 minute silence at 12 o clock
All are invited to attend and show solidarity.

Shalid tewariz


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I don't understand

07.07.2006 21:01

Why were there not 52 trees after all thats how many were murdered on 7/7.


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08.07.2006 15:52

It's because most of those who died in London were white and non-muslim. After all, we have to remember that muslims are always victims and could never do any wrong.

Humpty Dumpty

3 is appropriate

10.07.2006 08:11

I think it’s a fitting gesture (if you want to take into account the number of people killed on ‘7/7’ it would be a lot more than that –it just depends on your geographical restrictions, so for Beeston three appropriate)


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