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8th July: Birmingham City Centre - VIGIL AGAINST ISRAELI WAR CRIMES

free Palestine! | 05.07.2006 09:47 | Anti-racism | Repression | Birmingham

With the crisis in Gaza worsening we are protesting in Birmingham:

Saturday 8 July
Between 1pm and 3pm
At the top of New Street by the Victoria Square steps.

Bring Palestinian flags and placards

Emergency in Palestine - Israel holds an entire nation hostage

The Israeli government's assault on the Palestinian people has reached
a new and terrifying level.

Israel has:

. Imposed a brutal blockade on the Palestinians, resulting in deliberate
. Destroyed Gaza's water and electricity supplies, creating death and
. Destroyed vital bridges and roads
. Killed 51 Palestinians including 20 children in June 2006 alone
. Imprisoned 10,000 Palestinian political prisoners including 100
and 300 children
. Arrested half the elected government and a quarter of elected MPs

free Palestine!


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seem to be worried?

05.07.2006 11:57

just a little comment , Having spoke to somebody who was on business in Israel at the time they started there bombing .He was at a party for 3000 people , some of this people at the party were the richest people in the world . Makes you wonder , the fact that every one of them could make such a difference just withy the loose change in there pockets, wonder how much they drank that night and the cost. TOTAL agree with your report

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Idiots for palestine

05.07.2006 14:50

Palestinians are idiots. They voted for murderers and are now paying the price for their bad choice.
Just as Germany did when they voted for Hitler.

Ali ibn Sharmootah

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