Freedom, although late...
Marcos Loures | 05.07.2006 00:42 | Free Spaces | Globalisation | World
Venezuela formalizes her adhesion to Mercosul
The entrance of Venezuela in Mercosul, more and more a block that if it is strengthened and with independence aspects regarding the European potencies and to the USA, it demonstrates that the road taken by the American Latin leaders, it is the correct.
I don't want to discuss Chavéz, I want to talk about Venezuela, country of economical and strategic importance fundamental for the enlargement of the block.
The American Latin unit, as well as the European Union, is of vital importance for the development of a new world economical map. She will only be able to strengthen the countries to the south of the USA, with common problems and urgent solutions.
Every day, we see it all is important, in the globalização, the union among people for the invigoration in debates and in the united actions against or in favor of common interests.
Mercosul, opposes to the ALCA, whose primary purpose is subduing the Latin continent to the interests of the superpower to the North.
In an interview, Geraldo Alckmin, opposition candidate to the Presidency of the Republic in Brazil, pronounced favorable to the reopening of the negotiations seeking the construction of the ALCA, it idealizes extremely unhappy and contrary to the direction of the history.
That road cannot be deviated and one cannot deny the humanity's natural direction. The subservience to the USA, through the ALCA, belongs disastrous for all to us, American Latin.
Under the excuse that we would have to increase the markets, many defend the reactivation of the speeches on her. Any one notices that that doesn't pass of a rumor. The Free trade, without the low protection to the industry and the local production, takes to the destruction of the industry of the poorest countries, or the exploration every time larger of her work hand, for ridiculous prices, with the invigoration of the transnational ones that they already dominate the world.
Another aspect of vital importance, is the politics of monopolization of agricultural areas, seeking the export, always at ridiculous prices.
That is already happening in vast areas of the territories of the American Latin nations, and the tendency would be the aggravation of this ecological tragedy.
A more homogeneous block, in problems and needs, strengthens all. Giving, besides independence to their associates.
The improvement observed by the more fragile European savings, it is exemplary. It is not observed, any coincidence between the European Union and the ALCA.
Latin America is accomplishing, so only, her historical destiny, idealized by Bolivar, among other, of turning an important participant of that new world that approaches.
Regarding the current leaderships, they are passing, and of relative importance. We cannot forget that Bush, is also it, for peace of the world.
doesn't interest the decline of the USA but, mainly, the invigoration of an explored continent, historically, from the discovery.
To change gold for trinkets owes if it turns, more and more, a simple rhetoric image. The destruction of the natural patrimony, for the substitution of the natural wealth for monocultures, the smuggling of genetic patrimony, among other things, they are a warranty for the people of Latin America, of her survival and dignity.
Not to the ALCA it is a yes to the Independence and the future.
Well arrival, Venezuela.
Strengthening the dream of Bolivar, we will strengthen the whole continent. Giving a very important step towards the freedom, although late.
Marcos Loures