Indymedia July Film Festivals
imc-er | 03.07.2006 08:58 | G8 Russia 2006 | Indymedia
Not been invited to the G8 Summit this year?
Never mind, Indymedia London is hosting an eight day film festival in London venues with no obligation to buy a gallon of Coke or a bucket of popcorn. And up in Sheffield there is a Summer of Truth film festival with screenings every Sunday in July.
For the full programmes and venues click at the 'full article' link above.
See the full festival listing here.
The festival coincides with this year's summit of the 8 most powerful capitalist states on earth, taking place in St. Petersburg, Russia. Each day follows a theme ranging from debt to climate change to terrorism, kicking off on Friday 7th - the first anniversary of the London bombings - special screening with "The Power of Nightmares", "Arabs and Terrorism" and "America, America". Saturday 8th with Camcorder Guerillas "Why Close The G8?", Pilton's, "Won't Be Fooled Again" and on also at Ramparts Social Centre.
Monday sees the festival moving west to Ladbroke Grove's Inn on the Green for a couple of days, dealing with issues of The Media and, on Tuesday, International Financial Institutions
On Wednesday 12th the festival's back in the East End at Ramparts to consider "What's happening in Russia's unseen empire?", Debt (thursday) and Peak Oil and Climate Change(Friday) The festival wraps on Saturday 15th on the topical issue of 'Our brave New-Clear Future"
All nights start at 7.30pm, are FREE, and will have speakers & further info.
RampArt Social centre, 15-17 Rampart Street, E1
Inn On The Green, 3-4 Thorpe Close, W10 (above portobello Gym)
A Month of Film Screenings on:
9/11, Oil, War and Globalisation
Every Sunday in July at SIF (Sheffield Independent Film), films start at 6:30pm and 8pm
Sumnmer of Truth Flyer Front - application/pdf 851K
Summer of Truth Flyer Back - application/pdf 1.1M
The Summer of Truth
Film Listings
Sheffield Indymedia has organised a series of film screenings that challange the concept of the perputal 'war on terror' and questions the real motives of the governments and corporations who are promoting this war.
These films have never been seen on TV or screened in the cinema.
One of the central themes of many of the films is the proposition that the attacks in New York and Washington on 11th September 2001 were actually an inside job organised by elements within the US administration in order to win public support for an offensive war to gain control of oil resources in the Middle East.
The films are screening every Sunday evening in July at SIF (Sheffield Independent Film) on Brown Street, entry is a suggested donation of £1 and there will be time for discussion about the issues raised in the films after each screening.
The films were due to be screened at the Matilda Social Centre but have had to be moved to SIF due to Matilda being evicted.
For the full listing of the films see the Summer of Truth page.
Do your bit for climate change during the film fest
03.07.2006 21:18
Along with improved ventilation resulting from the removal of just one brick in the wall, it is hoped that he addition of air conditioning will encourage people to stay inside the sound proofed building during events rather than hang around outside shouting and pissing in our neighbours doorways. And of course you can also expect ice cold drinks to be available and don't forget the roof 'garden' if you really must enjoy the 'pleasent' summer evening weather.
Hide the following 4 comments
06.07.2006 15:11
M Fish
took a while
07.07.2006 00:41
War of the words, "Insurgance" the spirit of every great revolution, EVER!
10.07.2006 20:15
Maby someone would like to use this during an event?
if you do, please drop us an email!
thanks and keep on keeping on!
12.07.2006 20:27
What about 7/7 guys ?
who cares ?