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7/7 Bombings: "A Covenant of Security"

Daithí | 03.07.2006 03:46 | Anti-militarism | Terror War

...from The Independent:

"Then there is the curious official reticence over proven links between the bombers' ringleader, Mohammed Siddique Khan, and other terrorists, including senior al-Qa'ida lieutenants abroad. Officially, it is admitted only that Khan was on the "periphery" of another terror plot currently the subject of court proceedings. In fact, Khan had been placed on a watchlist in 2004. MI5 had opened a file on him. Mr Ahmed claims the three other bombers were all also known to MI5...

...Mr Ahmed's controversial inference is that MI5 is now trying to cover up a tacit understanding with terror groups that operated until 9/11. They were allowed to operate as long as they did not bomb Britain or UK targets abroad. There was, in effect, a "covenant of security", he says...

...Patrick Mercer, the Conservative spokesman on homeland security, said: 'The case for an independent inquiry at the conclusion of on-going court cases is now totally compelling.'..."

Yes, Mr. Mercer, it's compelling indeed.

So too is the related case of Mohammed Naeem Noor Khan. It seems that the "opposition party" here in the "land of the free and the home of the brave" are too frightened to even broach the subject.

Dear readers, please click here and sign the petition to pressure them for an investigation.



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I know what this is about

03.07.2006 23:51

This is the whole lot of bullshit about Londonistan
This is the crap about you leave us alone we'll leave you alone understanding
This is crap - evidently the Bakris and the Hamzas and the Qatadas are all puppets of the intelligence agencies
Thats why they been placed out of view like 77 mastermind Haroon Aswat
These are all controllees
Why Indy appears to be playing with the 77 post downline
