The old and the "girl".
Marcos Loures | 01.07.2006 23:22
On that July 01, historical for the Brazilian soccer, we had two soccer lessons and of life.
In the first game of the day, Portugal of Luiz Felipe Scolari, to example of the Brazilian selection of 2002, demonstrated him/it as the team spirit can accomplish in any activity of the life.
A show of force and balance, with good sense and will of expiring. Coordination and union. A team in the Real sense of the word.
Against an England, theoretically stronger, the team from Portugal gave a cooperation lesson and of group.
Already the Brazilian agglomerate, a picked of famous players in apprenticeships different from the career, some in the peak and other in frank decadence, as in the cases of Cafu, Roberto Carlos, Ronaldo, among other, was the faithful representation that it is not enough technique and talent.
The victory, in any professional area depends on the team idea.
When we observed an entangled of good professionals acting without coordination have an inevitable disaster.
In the life, as in the sport, the formation of a homogeneous group and geared, it takes to the inevitable success.
From the first games, the negative result was already drawn. In the hard victory against the Croatians, in the victory on Australians and Japanese, with great difficulty, we didn't have a lot to commemorate.
One could not wait a lot of the, theoretically, stronger grouping, but in practice, one of the worst teams than the Brazilian soccer presented in the World cups.
To solemnity sufficiency of some athletes and the trainer's insistence in maintaining professionals in career end, allied the empáfia of journalists' groups, was vital so that if it didn't form a team.
From the first games, we were under the impression that the group didn't proceed. The victories were conquered more by the opponents' fragility than for our merits.
In the end octaves, in a game hallucinated against the team of Ghana, we could have expired of more or lost of a lot, such the amount of lost opportunities for the naive Africans.
Another aspect called me the attention. The attempt of some athletes of they credit God the victories or the consigned goals.
Mainly Kaká, the good young man...
Sport is thing for who wants to expire, for who plays with conviction and with tenacity.
Our rare times players tried to hinder the things for French.
An exceptional player like Zidane cannot play without demarcation. The given freedom the a player of that ancestry is suicidal.
Henry made his/her best departure in the Cup, giving the impression that, finally, it began to play.
The Brazilian fullbacks survived and, if they didn't go them, the scoreboard would have been very larger for French.
Our aged players that say good-bye today, mainly in the two lines, have been move away there are times.
To good of the truth, Cafu became a myth, and only.
Already Roberto Carlos is, he makes time, in total decline, forming an alliance with Ronaldo in the false dream team madrilenho.
Felipe Scolari set up a team. Parreira made an agglomerate.
Who brought the victory in 2002, it was the team spirit, no the talents insulator.
We have to understand, also, that so much France, Italy, Germany and Argentina, the great teams of this cup, are much more than simple "selections", they are TEAMS!
That you/they are learned the lessons and that the "girls protected by God" and the old "gods" of the soccer learn that, an one more it is always more than two...
Marcos Loures