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Pictures from the Palestine Solidarity Demo (30/06/06)

Birmingham Solidarity Federation | 01.07.2006 19:54 | Repression | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | Birmingham

A few pictures from the demo in birmingham.

The demo was reasonably attended, we had to leave early so there would have been more people who arrived after we left.

Birmingham Solidarity Federation
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pathetic anarchists

02.07.2006 01:10

Anarchists defending the right of the Palestinians to establish their own borders ruled by the islamofascists of Hamas, it seems pathetic to me and agains all the anarchist ideals.

Israelis also have the right not to be bombed and maimed when they take the bus or are shopping in the supermarket, I do not recall you lot demonstrating against the killing of innocent Israeli civilians who have nothing to do with their government policies.


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Reasonably attended?

02.07.2006 04:20

10 maybe? You pathetic groupuscule of terrorist sympathiser muppets.

Sid and Doris Bonkers

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attended well?

02.07.2006 15:08

does not look like it.......probably all at home looking up where gaza is on the map.


Anti-Semitic People

03.07.2006 06:47

They are horrendous Anti-Semites and I can't believe the police allowed it.


Good work people.

Am Palestine Chai!

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