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Israel's right of defense (by Latuff)

Latuff | 01.07.2006 18:18 | Anti-militarism | Repression | Social Struggles | World

Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their resistance of U.S. backed Israeli terror.

Who will defend the Palestinians from Israel?
Who will defend the Palestinians from Israel?

Who will defend the Palestinians from Israel?

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The idiot Latuff

01.07.2006 19:13

Hey how about a cartoon with Arab moslem Janjaweed raping and slughtering other moslems (because of their color) and Annan having tea with the SUDANESE and worrying about the "palestinians"

Ali ibn Sharmootah

easy solution

02.07.2006 01:12

Hamas kidnapped a soldier and threatens to execute him, Israel is doing what it believes will free him, like arresting all the Hamas leadership who direct bombings and kidnappings.

I do not see any problem with the right of Israel to defend itself.


... and I don't suppose ...

02.07.2006 10:08

... that you see the need for the Palestinians to defend themselves right?

Because israel never does anything wrong, the Palestinians bring it upon themselves for defying your desires.


mail e-mail:

They're both as bad as each other

02.07.2006 14:59

It bothers me when left-wing solidarity wankers turn a blind eye to the murder and destruction of Israel by their beloved Palestinians, and right-wing neocunts turn a blind eye to murder and destruction of Palestine by Israelis.

Why don't we just boycott both countries til they've got no money left to kill each other?


'Limited Hangout', Plant?

03.07.2006 07:22

The two are not equivalent.

This is what propagandists do when they've been exposed, and cannot defend their masters' policies on their merits, they try to make it seem as if "I'm bad, but so are you". It's called Limited Hangout, intended to refocus the discussion, and take the heat off.

Everything that has transpired is a result of the initial Ethnic Cleansing by European Zionists, to create the "desired demographic" for the state which finally provided them with the wealth and power denied them in European society.

Origin of the Israel-Palestine Conflict
Jews For Justice For The Palestinians

The current situation is a perpetuation of Zionism's decades-long Program of Ethnic Cleansing. This is a war of choice, and Zionism could end it at any time.

Zionism, Irrelevant Within A Generation

Boycott what?

03.07.2006 08:29

Palestine has nothing, even the top brass have resorted to smuggling cash into the country just to pay the civil servants. Boycotting palestine can't make them any worse off. Israel on the other hand has everything (including american nukes) so it's hardly a level playing field. While their prisons are full of thousands of Palestinians who've done nothing more than picked up a rock in anger and thrown it pointlessly at an Israeli tank, the IDF are armed to the teeth and willing and able to kill civilians regardless of the situation. You think boycotting these countries is going to solve anything? Israel is stolen land and there will be bloodshed for as long as it exists... simple as that.



15.07.2006 15:57

why do israel punish all palestians for the crimes that only a few commit? How is israel killing countless palestians any different to for example england bombing ireland for the ira attacks. To me it boils down to this simple idea, there is also the major political bum chumery between the isral and american governments but thats a whole other field of bullshit!


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