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more straw bale progress at eco works

karl | 30.06.2006 18:03

Day 6 of the work saw the continuation of the rendering of the straw bales that went up over winter and some more finishing touches to the foundations of the area that will be baled later this week.

work done so far (1)
work done so far (1)

work done so far (2)
work done so far (2)

work done so far (3)
work done so far (3)

work done so far (4)
work done so far (4)

preparing the mix
preparing the mix

busy volunteers (1)
busy volunteers (1)

busy volunteers (2)
busy volunteers (2)

busy volunteers (3)
busy volunteers (3)

busy volunteers (4)
busy volunteers (4)

nearly there
nearly there

the first layer mostly finished
the first layer mostly finished

Due to problems with the render sticking the render mix was changed to 2 parts sand to 1 part lime.
In total there will be 3 to 4 layers applied in total.

For more info on the mixing process see the earlier article
