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anti G8 critical mass 14/07/06 6pm Manchester

velorution | 30.06.2006 09:39 | G8 Russia 2006 | Ecology

A bike ride around our city to protest against the G8 in solidarity with the protests in Russia.

Meet at Central Library at 6pm
Bring Flags, music, noisemakers, bicycles, skateboards (any human powered transport), friends ...

come- in fancy dress, in your pants, in a suit, in your birthday suit, in your jeans..whatever!

!4th July has been declared a global day of action against the G8 so protests against the G8 will be taking place all over the world.

The G8's announced agenda shows power and climate change as being at the top. In Manchester we want to protest the G8 whilst showing that we already have one solution: bikes not pollution!

Last years G8 critical mass in manchester had over 160 riders..come along and make this one even bigger!

After the ride we are having a fundraising gig at Fuel in Withington to raise money for the camp for climate action this summer.

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30.06.2006 14:48

well in fact it should be on the 15th, but I'll be there anyway...

A call to action from Earth First! Climate Caucus and Rising Tide North America

July 15th 2006 -- Direct Action for Climate Justice

International Day of Direct Action
against Climate Change and the G8

Rise Up Against G8 Policies! Target Fossil Fuel Industries in Your Community or Bioregion!

On July 15th, the "Group of 8" (G8) richest industrialized countries will gather in St. Petersburg, Russia to plot their continued commodification and domination of the planet, this time under the euphemistic banner of "Energy Security." A leaked G8 "Communique on Energy Security" calls for trillions of dollars in new investments in oil, gas and coal production worldwide, plus wide-scale global expansion of nuclear energy. With runaway climate change* looming just over the horizon, such neoliberal business-as-usual poses a direct threat to the continuation of life on Earth as we know it.

Resistance is self defense. The G8 agenda promotes petroleum-dependent "Energy Security" that pollutes our land and atmosphere, exploits poor and indigenous communities, and scorches the Earth's climate. Their recipe for catastrophe must be met with our global resistance!

July 15th will be an International Day of Action Against Climate Change. As G8 energy ministers promise trillions in new subsidies to the industries destroying our planet and our future, we will take action to shut them down! This is a call for autonomous, decentralized actions appropriate for your town, city, or bioregion. Use this international day of action to support local struggles against oil refineries, gas pipelines, strip mines and coal-fired power plants. Disrupt the financial backers of the fossil fuel industry. Host teach-ins to spread sustainable post-petroleum living skills. Find a weak point in the infrastructure of resource exploitation and throw a literal or symbolic wrench in the works. Visit your local polluters and give 'em hell!

The July 15th International Day of Action Against Climate Change is being mobilized by Rising Tide North America, a new network initiated in the US by the Earth First! Climate Caucus, with inspiration and support from the UK's vibrant Rising Tide direct action movement for climate justice and against climate change. Rising Tide North America is actively mobilizing July 15th actions in local bioregions, as well as reaching out to environmental justice, climate action and radical sustainability movements in all the G8 countries plus the Global South.

Rising Tide North America is building a large collection of outreach and agit-prop materials that can be used by groups around the continent (and the world) to organize locally. These materials will be downloadable from and from the website of Rising Tide North America (comin' soon).

Join the Rising Tide North America network! Endorse the July 15th International Day of Direct Action against Climate Change and the G8! Tell us about July 15th actions for climate justice being planned in your community or bioregion! Contact us at

Get more information and updates about July 15th international actions against climate change, plus news and links about additional global resistance against the 2006 G8 Summit from July 14th to 17th! Go to



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  1. ...14th — fixdchik
  2. pga callout — fixdchik