UK - India relations sour up because of Aamir Khan act in Bollywood
Vinny | 30.06.2006 07:35 | Culture | World
Bollywood star Aamir Khan in film Mangal Pandey was a paid reel hero not a real hero. Mangal Pandey must have headed in revolt against British Empire for a genuine rational reasons, So history acknowledges him as he was instrumental for freedom of India.
But the point to notice is - Aamir Khan never acted freely as Mangal Pandey did and attempted his life-n-career to free his country . Needless to debate Mangal Pandey-in The Rising was mere an act of reels not reals. However, such performance are meant
to entertain-n-earn mass for which the actor Aamir Khan was paid for.
Meanwhile Aamir Khan acting in rebel had have only added to spoil and bitter relations of India with UK along with US and European countries. Probably for mutual sakes- But- Let the English & Indian people bury the past weeds and look forward to germinate and grow love. Let both countries advocate a sane meaningful constructive understanding and dialogue without digging or un earthing scratching old scars time-n-again – Let saintly or seer Jesus not termed accused by Dan Brown in Da Vinci Code . Let films remain mere fictions and not considered as actual facts. Let perception of history be only look upon rationally and not carried or brought forward believing religiously.
Many such sensitive topics are touched and raised by author Naresh Sonee in his special innovative form of review which was asked by the editor of FULLOSIA PRESS in US . The author had unknowingly tried his best efforts to heal-n-seal out relations
of India with UK or US which this film had injured out unknowingly or knowingly .
However, as said Mangel Pandey is a banned film in western English countries for its anti English stand. Meanwhile, a sensible review by an Indian author who made his best efforts to repair the past differences of each country in a unique method of rhymic formula which balance both nation sentiments with cautions is worth reading once a while.
According to Naresh Sonee the review was randomly scribbled out within a hour or so when this author was asked by the chief editor of FULLOSIA PRESS for his stand on this particular film which is debarred there.
However the FULLOSIA PRESS in it's America Independence July issue had revealed a unique approach of such type of well versed review which an Indian had scribbled in an epical poetic format in a novel way that is likely to entertain and interest many British and Indians people -those who are connected or connected with either countries relations.
Meanwhile if search count has to be made on any search engine as; google , yahoo or so -Just typing FULLOSIA PRESS on any search engine reveals the status of this American Press which have countless pages of news to its credit .
Meanwhile, readers if interested can read Naresh Sonee review on Mangal Pandey at FULLOSIA PRESS - under F P NEW VOICES in their July issue 06 in which the press has also come out with America Independence Day which fall on July 4.
Author Naresh Sonee’s poems are also doing the round on internet from so many past years. He is also on Christian Poetry sites. One can search author’s name on any search engine. Some of his crazy but humor oriented work on international poetry sites are Naresh Sonee gave a run , The British women slapped Naresh Sonee . Poems on Present , Tension, Worry relates author philosophy to look at life in general , All are worth reading.
The author had also written a Hindi book in 1999 titled Brhmand Pujan which had fetched him applauding reviews from many Indian news papers. This book is having a non mythological and non religious approach to men kind and strictly adheres to universal logics cum ethics . The book loom out extreme novel philosophy of its own sort of reasonable prayers to a -ONE universal God – Brhmaand. Readers of the book have a notion that none of the writer in history must have exposed or experienced such fearless or forbidden writing before .
Meanwhile even readers or press reviewers agree -never one have come across with such straight dare encounters with God which the author does-n-divuge in his book . However the author emerges out absolutely philanthropically clean in his sincere approach where myths and superstitions of practicing any religion professionally have no respect or place in the author’s eye. The author believe God can never be sold or exposed but religion could.
However, the author have a desire to give this particular book royalty free to the Government of India for which he had time-n-again corresponded with President Of India –A P J Abdul Kalam , Prime Minister of India- Man Mohon Singh , Human Resource Minister - Arjun Singh , Sonia Gandhi , And had approached former Government too during their governing days.
According to Naresh Sonee Indian English writers who thrives for acknowledgments should be well smart enough –that they should never submit their work on net to publishers who charge money as submission fees. However if the work has substance the writer may get some recognization on one or some other day by a genuine publisher and paid in return.
During past World News which have thousands of countries news on it lively displays- had also published Naresh Sonee article as Breaking News flashing the same on it every news world wide . One of the article was Bush is too kind for Mushraff. Acquainting you a bit –Naresh Sonee is a commerce college drop out presently staying in India having a small creative manufacturing activities.
Few of the URL are given here for an easy go - to check out the work of author –Naresh Sonee . Interested readers may-
Read- Film Mangal Pandey Review -Flashing on FULLOSIA PRESS News
Read - Indian author Naresh Sonee was slapped in Britain ?FULLOSIA PRESS News
Read – Naresh Sonee gave a run
Film Mangal Pandey Review -Flashing on main page of FULLOSIA PRESS News
to entertain-n-earn mass for which the actor Aamir Khan was paid for.
Meanwhile Aamir Khan acting in rebel had have only added to spoil and bitter relations of India with UK along with US and European countries. Probably for mutual sakes- But- Let the English & Indian people bury the past weeds and look forward to germinate and grow love. Let both countries advocate a sane meaningful constructive understanding and dialogue without digging or un earthing scratching old scars time-n-again – Let saintly or seer Jesus not termed accused by Dan Brown in Da Vinci Code . Let films remain mere fictions and not considered as actual facts. Let perception of history be only look upon rationally and not carried or brought forward believing religiously.
Many such sensitive topics are touched and raised by author Naresh Sonee in his special innovative form of review which was asked by the editor of FULLOSIA PRESS in US . The author had unknowingly tried his best efforts to heal-n-seal out relations
of India with UK or US which this film had injured out unknowingly or knowingly .
However, as said Mangel Pandey is a banned film in western English countries for its anti English stand. Meanwhile, a sensible review by an Indian author who made his best efforts to repair the past differences of each country in a unique method of rhymic formula which balance both nation sentiments with cautions is worth reading once a while.
According to Naresh Sonee the review was randomly scribbled out within a hour or so when this author was asked by the chief editor of FULLOSIA PRESS for his stand on this particular film which is debarred there.
However the FULLOSIA PRESS in it's America Independence July issue had revealed a unique approach of such type of well versed review which an Indian had scribbled in an epical poetic format in a novel way that is likely to entertain and interest many British and Indians people -those who are connected or connected with either countries relations.
Meanwhile if search count has to be made on any search engine as; google , yahoo or so -Just typing FULLOSIA PRESS on any search engine reveals the status of this American Press which have countless pages of news to its credit .
Meanwhile, readers if interested can read Naresh Sonee review on Mangal Pandey at FULLOSIA PRESS - under F P NEW VOICES in their July issue 06 in which the press has also come out with America Independence Day which fall on July 4.
Author Naresh Sonee’s poems are also doing the round on internet from so many past years. He is also on Christian Poetry sites. One can search author’s name on any search engine. Some of his crazy but humor oriented work on international poetry sites are Naresh Sonee gave a run , The British women slapped Naresh Sonee . Poems on Present , Tension, Worry relates author philosophy to look at life in general , All are worth reading.
The author had also written a Hindi book in 1999 titled Brhmand Pujan which had fetched him applauding reviews from many Indian news papers. This book is having a non mythological and non religious approach to men kind and strictly adheres to universal logics cum ethics . The book loom out extreme novel philosophy of its own sort of reasonable prayers to a -ONE universal God – Brhmaand. Readers of the book have a notion that none of the writer in history must have exposed or experienced such fearless or forbidden writing before .
Meanwhile even readers or press reviewers agree -never one have come across with such straight dare encounters with God which the author does-n-divuge in his book . However the author emerges out absolutely philanthropically clean in his sincere approach where myths and superstitions of practicing any religion professionally have no respect or place in the author’s eye. The author believe God can never be sold or exposed but religion could.
However, the author have a desire to give this particular book royalty free to the Government of India for which he had time-n-again corresponded with President Of India –A P J Abdul Kalam , Prime Minister of India- Man Mohon Singh , Human Resource Minister - Arjun Singh , Sonia Gandhi , And had approached former Government too during their governing days.
According to Naresh Sonee Indian English writers who thrives for acknowledgments should be well smart enough –that they should never submit their work on net to publishers who charge money as submission fees. However if the work has substance the writer may get some recognization on one or some other day by a genuine publisher and paid in return.
During past World News which have thousands of countries news on it lively displays- had also published Naresh Sonee article as Breaking News flashing the same on it every news world wide . One of the article was Bush is too kind for Mushraff. Acquainting you a bit –Naresh Sonee is a commerce college drop out presently staying in India having a small creative manufacturing activities.
Few of the URL are given here for an easy go - to check out the work of author –Naresh Sonee . Interested readers may-
Read- Film Mangal Pandey Review -Flashing on FULLOSIA PRESS News

Read - Indian author Naresh Sonee was slapped in Britain ?FULLOSIA PRESS News

Read – Naresh Sonee gave a run

Film Mangal Pandey Review -Flashing on main page of FULLOSIA PRESS News

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