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Stop eating animals/ and WHY?

Mole | 29.06.2006 11:40 | Sheffield

debate on human animals, non human animals and veganism

I thought veganism was just another form of religous conciet that supposed that humans existed outside the food chain...

Hi couldn't answer as a commnet or addition as john smith's "note" on Veganism seems to have been censored!

(or otherwise i apologize for any misunderstandings)

THe debate on human animals, non human animals and veganism is perhaps requiring to be more open, less verbal abuse on both sides and less self-righteousness

Yet if this debate is not on ideas but on personal feelings of dislike for any of the other persons involved, then it will be useless...

ANswering the above comment by ECOLOGIST: Dear ecologist, your comment is misleading and not well thought down:

Any form of thought that HUMANS exist outside the food chain would be compassionate for humans, therefore not a conceit but a truism,

Any form of thought that NON HUMAN animals exist outside the food chain would also be compassionate (unless they exist to be killed like at bullfighting). Poor bulls are outside the food chain (not exactly though) they are bred to be murdered in public to cheers of thousands of tourists...

Religious thought is enourmously important nowadays even in the minds of those who, like yourself, think you don't follow legendary myths.




This isn't news

29.06.2006 17:24

Stop hogging the newswire! I actually don't care about your omnivore guilt, just go and whine somewhere else.


we need an imcuk forum

01.07.2006 10:08

Things like this prove why we need an indymedia discussion forum. We need something to take all these opinion pieces, all the conspiracy pieces, all blog cut and pastes, everything that isnt some form of news, OFF of the newswire.

Im finding imcuk really frustrating these days because of all this stuff...



Display the following 23 comments

  1. ... — Ecologist
  2. good points there mole but i think this ...... — john smith
  3. to Mole — Rebel Rat
  4. the scent of ham — Mole the Other
  5. Eat Mole — Dan
  6. Except — Ecoli-gist
  7. Bonkers as in MAD COWS ? — Danny
  8. Aaargh! — E-coli-apologist
  9. What argument again ? — Danny
  10. Missing something — fredrico
  11. Who Cares? — Tim
  12. Danny — echo-location gist
  13. My old motto... — Danny
  14. As you ignored the site — fredrico
  15. zealots like bored really turn me on — ratforart's sake
  16. to Danni — Mole the mole
  17. Danni The Zealot — ModestyMouse
  18. evil weed — Danny
  19. Actually — E-collegist
  20. Hyperbole ? That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. — Danny
  21. bokonon — tired
  22. Not news - shurely not — Danny
  23. but this thread had longer follow up — Toothless Mole