Reminder: Manchester Day of ID Register Opposition, this Saturday
Dave Page | 28.06.2006 22:28 | Social Struggles | Technology
On Monday, myself and Bob from Manchester Defy-ID appeared on Under the Pavement [1] on ALL FM 96.9 [2] talking about ID cards. Despite a few technical glitches including a buzzing microphone, we came across (according to my housemate, who's totally apolitical) as convincing and determined. You can see what you think by grabbing the MP3 from Radio Indymedia [3]. It's a 55MB download, for a two hour show. For those not on broadband I'm hoping to host a smaller snippet just including the interview soon.
Obviously, the big thing we had to talk about was our plans for Saturday, the Manchester Day of ID Card Resistance. A quick reminder - we're meeting outside the Basement [4] on Lever Street at half twelve, hitting Market Street at 1pm and flyering until we run out of flyers, get bored or reach 3pm. This will give us time to decamp back to the Basement for dust-off, and give people time to get home for the footie if they want.
The weather for Saturday looks warm, so dress appropriately. When we meet up at the Basement, I'll hand out my mobile number in case of difficulties, along with some copies of Nottingham Defy-ID's leaflet on how to avoid supporting the Government while opposing ID Cards, Seeds for Change's leaflet on how to communicate with the public, and NO2ID's booklets on how to win arguments with ID card supporters. I'm not expecting everyone to stand up and duke it out with people though - if you're being pestered, politely refer people to the stall where I will be with plenty more information for them to absorb.
At the Manchester Defy-ID meeting last night, a few more dates for activities were mooted. I'll talk about these in a seperate e-mail on the Manchester list.
Obviously, the big thing we had to talk about was our plans for Saturday, the Manchester Day of ID Card Resistance. A quick reminder - we're meeting outside the Basement [4] on Lever Street at half twelve, hitting Market Street at 1pm and flyering until we run out of flyers, get bored or reach 3pm. This will give us time to decamp back to the Basement for dust-off, and give people time to get home for the footie if they want.
The weather for Saturday looks warm, so dress appropriately. When we meet up at the Basement, I'll hand out my mobile number in case of difficulties, along with some copies of Nottingham Defy-ID's leaflet on how to avoid supporting the Government while opposing ID Cards, Seeds for Change's leaflet on how to communicate with the public, and NO2ID's booklets on how to win arguments with ID card supporters. I'm not expecting everyone to stand up and duke it out with people though - if you're being pestered, politely refer people to the stall where I will be with plenty more information for them to absorb.
At the Manchester Defy-ID meeting last night, a few more dates for activities were mooted. I'll talk about these in a seperate e-mail on the Manchester list.



Dave Page