Surviving the Gaza beach massacre
Devlishmay and IMEMC Crew | 28.06.2006 09:49 | Anti-militarism | Repression | World
Listen to an audio report with Ramadan the uncle of Iham Ralaya one of the only memeber of her family to survive the Gaza beach bombing This was recorded whilst he is staying in Tel Aviv hospital to support Iham.
The Israeli shelling of Gaza beach is just another episode in the endless carnage that is the holy land’s 21st century manna from heaven, another level of the global war game.
A game, which tears apart bodies and lives to justify political equations dreamt up in the minds of the mighty.
Now we are seeing the formation of the Gaza front, which could make the 2002 Jenin massacre, look like a birthday party.
And wherever we live in our world we all suffer to some degree from such death throes swirling around us, causing side effects of anxiety and financial burden even to those far far away from the scene of the crime.
We are all human and we pay the price for state sanctioned deaths but some pay more than others.
Those wounded in Gaza were taken to two hospitals inside of the green line of Israel some to Beer sheva and others to Tel Aviv.
So those bombed and maimed by the Israeli air force, are then taken into an Israeli hospitals, what must that be like should you be conscious enough to understand your surroundings, lying in the arms of the enemy, an enemy that has destroyed and continues to destroy everything human beings live for.
17 year old Iham Rayila, survived the Gaza beach massacre but only just, her medical report reads as follows, multiple trauma, severe lung injury, pericardial effusion, hermodyamic instability, chest tube insertion, fractured ribs, abdomen injury, spleen and hepatic laceration, fracture of humerus in left and right arms.
Her wounds are now infected.
Recording the Palestine today newscast means that day in day out I read and edit endless statistics, of death, injury and arrest. Arriving in the intensive care unit and seeing a statistic wired up to all the medical apparatus to keep her living was yet another realisation at the insanity of humans destroying humans.
I interviewed the Iham’s uncle the only member of her family left alive and uninjured who is able to be with her but he is prohibited from leaving the hospital, the Israeli government have denied him permission to leave and should decide to leave the hospital confines will be liable to arrest. Not only has Ramadan lost or seen his entire family maimed but he is a prisoner inside Tel Aviv’s hospital without the freedom to even take a walk outside to reflect on his situation
A game, which tears apart bodies and lives to justify political equations dreamt up in the minds of the mighty.
Now we are seeing the formation of the Gaza front, which could make the 2002 Jenin massacre, look like a birthday party.
And wherever we live in our world we all suffer to some degree from such death throes swirling around us, causing side effects of anxiety and financial burden even to those far far away from the scene of the crime.
We are all human and we pay the price for state sanctioned deaths but some pay more than others.
Those wounded in Gaza were taken to two hospitals inside of the green line of Israel some to Beer sheva and others to Tel Aviv.
So those bombed and maimed by the Israeli air force, are then taken into an Israeli hospitals, what must that be like should you be conscious enough to understand your surroundings, lying in the arms of the enemy, an enemy that has destroyed and continues to destroy everything human beings live for.
17 year old Iham Rayila, survived the Gaza beach massacre but only just, her medical report reads as follows, multiple trauma, severe lung injury, pericardial effusion, hermodyamic instability, chest tube insertion, fractured ribs, abdomen injury, spleen and hepatic laceration, fracture of humerus in left and right arms.
Her wounds are now infected.
Recording the Palestine today newscast means that day in day out I read and edit endless statistics, of death, injury and arrest. Arriving in the intensive care unit and seeing a statistic wired up to all the medical apparatus to keep her living was yet another realisation at the insanity of humans destroying humans.
I interviewed the Iham’s uncle the only member of her family left alive and uninjured who is able to be with her but he is prohibited from leaving the hospital, the Israeli government have denied him permission to leave and should decide to leave the hospital confines will be liable to arrest. Not only has Ramadan lost or seen his entire family maimed but he is a prisoner inside Tel Aviv’s hospital without the freedom to even take a walk outside to reflect on his situation
Devlishmay and IMEMC Crew
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Predictible propoganda
28.06.2006 10:54
Would this be the same "shelling" that has been proven by a number of INDEPENDENT sources to have been a Hamas booby trap ?
Let me guess, this comment will be hidden the original post remain.
28.06.2006 11:03
Editorial Guidelines
28.06.2006 11:54
Will you hide this post as it breaks the Guidelines ?
saw through you
28.06.2006 12:27
Then we have the attempt at spin when the lie was shown to be a lie "it wasn't the Army it was the Navy"
Then the fallback on old stereotypes when it is revealed the Navy don't have artillery "It must be the Israelis because they hate us"
Next stage, shoot the messenger -"Those journalists and independent experts who have proved it couldn't be the Israelis are obviously in the pay of Israel, or are Jewish or a part of the great Zionist concpiracy that runs the world" The exception to this is Indymedia UK where of course they are "spooks"
Final stage - repeat the lie as can be seen in the original post.
I wonder who the wider world thinks is telling the truth, various independent journos backed up by the views of military experts or the bunch of anti-semitic, Jew hating bigots who run the UK Newswire ?
Perhaps the groups who run the Indymedia sites in France, Holland, Italy and Denmark would speak to you again if you did something abut the regular anti Jewish postings and bias on the UK site -worth a though !
did some checking, was not fooled
28.06.2006 12:28
When will the world remove the racist evil at the heart of Israel?
28.06.2006 12:34
All that is required is that all religious and racist laws in Israel are declared a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY, and thus either they are removed, or Israel is blocked from ANY contact with the outside world. All weapons of mass destruction within Israel are also declared a crime against humanity.
With racism extracted from this nation, the size of the nation can be extended to include all Palestinian territories. Now the nation is divided into states, with a federal government ensuring that there is no attempt at re-asserting obscene racist dominance of the old tribe. All displaced Palestinians will have complete right to return to their stolen lands, of couse, and racist 'right-to-citizenship' given to people just because they are jews from elsewhere in the world, will be ended.
What changes then for the current jews within the current Israel? Nothing- well nothing beyong the consequence of compensation paid to all those non-jews expelled from Palestinian lands in the past in a racist orgy of post WW2 violence. However, the Germans had to pay compensation for THEIR war crimes, and this doesn't seem to have harmed them.
The new nation of Palestine, incorporating the old racist nation of Israel, will be secular, and honour the fact that the lands are holy to all the religions deriving from judaism.
Do the jews of the former Israel suffer under this arrangement? Well, you tell me if people suffer when they have the racist option removed- I would suggest this is the one thing guaranteed to improve the Human soul.
Apartheid South Africa had to end. Nazi Germany had to end. Racist Israel HAS to end. If we do not make progress as a race, we become prey to every evil individual that would exploit imaginary differences between us.
I suspect that actions in Gaza are not what they seem. Blair craves with every atom of his soul the GENOCIDE of Iran, and large-scale racist bloodshed in Gaza at this moment would almost certainly run counter to his cause. Instead, every news report suggests imminent settlement between the new government of Palestine, and Blair's crew in the EU, US and Israel. Israel likes to flex its muscles with a show of limited racist mass-murders, just before any new agreement with Palestinians, and that is what we have been seeing recently.
Of course, Blair does not have direct control of every Israel supporting racist monster, and many of these are cheerleading every crime against humanity by Israel, and demanding that Israel adopts the Serb vs Bosnia option NOW. Their voices can make things appear more chaotic than they actually are.
Israel is evil, not because of what it does so much, but because of how much though it puts into being able to execute unpunished such wicked crimes in the future. It is not the fate of Gaza today we should worry about, but the fate of Gaza once Blair's global bloodshed against muslims is taken to the next level, with his war against Iran. Look at the history of WW2 in Europe. Once Hitler was at his worst, racist mass murder exploded, much of it for local reasons rather than in the service of Hitler's plans.
The world can take the evil out of Israel in an instant, with no negative consequence for any normal Israeli. However, would nazi Germany willingly have allowed nazism to be extracted from that land? HITLER SAID "THE GERMAN PEOPLE NEED A HOMELAND" AND THAT WAS THE BIRTH OF THE NAZI MOVEMENT AND WW2. The supporters of Israel know what they are doing when they copy Adolf Hitler exactly, and say "the jews must have a homeland, regardless of the cost that others will have to pay".
To give a different perspective to my argument, consider Ireland. Here, a people fought the British to gain so-called independence, but actually gave monsters within their community the ability to create a catholic theocracy that abused women and children in the very worse ways possible. The Irish catholics did not have to target another people, but instead targetted the weak amongst their own. It is the same damned thing. Racism and religion HURTING AND HURTING AND HURTING AND HURTING THE INNOCENT.
Racism and religion have NO PLACE IN THE CONSTITUTIONS AND POLITICAL LAWS OF ***ANY*** NATION. And yes, that of course means so-called muslim countries too. Of course, Saddam's Iraq was secular, and followed this rule, until Blair attacked.
That a person with no previous connect with Israel can enter and become a citizen of that nation BECAUSE THEY ARE A JEW (whatever the hell THAT means) is obscene beyond all belief. We have a simple rule on this planet. Where you are born is where you can live, and where your parents were born is where you can live. Abuse of this rule is ALWAYS evil, and always causes Human suffering.
Are we willing to demand that we live under a system of fair, decent and moral rules on this planet? Because if not, the alternative is the rule of naked power. That is what we are all witnessing in Gaza at the moment (and in the press of the West that is run/owned by people that support such racist atrocities). Naked power abused in Gaza.Naked power abused in Iraq. Naked power abused in Chechnya. When does it stop? When we demand that it stops.
At the moment, all we are demanding is that Blair abuses us more, with ever greater amounts of media slop telling us that we, our kids, and our lifestyle choices are sh*t. Like the citizens of nazi Germany, we have become masocists, thrilled every time Hitler or Blair berates us for being worthless scum. There is a very important act of psychological manipulation occuring. It all revolves around the message "look at your life and hate every detail of it".
Think about a home with an abusive parent constantly telling his/her child that they are stupid and useless, with bad friends. Think of a new recruit to the army being broken down with exactly the same methods. Now think of Blair smashing you daily with his sea of propaganda filth flowing from a Mass Media under his absolute control.
Your kids are fat. Your kids are ill. Your kids are criminal. You have diabetes and high blood pressure. You are a racist enticed by the BNP. If you want to think about the planet, it better be in terms of how YOU are ruining it with your 'carbon' lifestyle. Politics- well you had better remember that only Blair stands between you and the hoards of muslims waiting to take over the world.
If I listen to the BBC or ITN (Channel 4 News ***IS*** ITN) or read a paper for more than a few moments, I feel physically sick. While idiots are told for the 6th year running that Blair is on his way out, all I see is the incredible power that Blair has accumulated. Thatcher changed NOTHING, as hard as she tried. Blair has changed EVERYTHING.
In Blair's world, Israel ceases to be a vile aberration, and instead becomes the model. This isn't suprising, since Blair requires the daily service of those that support Israel, for all the reasons that illustrate why we should not allow the racist version of Israel to continue to exist.
If Israel and Palestine just make your head spin, then please watch "The Magdalene Sisters". Here there is not the complication of one religion against another (which I know some have been conditioned through school indoctrination to have no ability to rationally analyse). Instead this film clearly shows the consequences of having a theocratic government. As you cry at the horrors inflicted upon these young (at first) women by the religious state that ruled over them, understand that this is the nature of ALL organised religion, when given governmental power.
Organised religions are engines of PURE EVIL. Organised religions locked firmly in place by the rules of a decent, moral nation are largely prevented from unleashing their potential, and may, in very rare circumstances, serve a good purpose. However, any organised religion allowed to take any form of real power will abuse the people beneath it in ways that are devastating to the lives of those people.
Israel is the worst kind of theocratic racist state. Laughably, it attempts to hide its theocratic nature by having members of its tribe describe being 'jewish' as a race thing, rather than a religious thing. This is gloriously evil, since Hitler also used the same racist garbage to bind the so-called 'Germanic' people behind his crimes. Regardless of the evil people a few hundred years ago that attempted to justify slavery by 'inventing' the modern pseudo-science of race, there is only ONE race of Humans.
An 'African' is a person that lives or was born in Africa. There is NO TAR BRUSH, OR INFECTION BY 'BLACK' GENES. If people want to self-apply labels, fine, but they have no greater meaning or significance. As a short-cut, or in recognition of cultural or racist or society factors, we may say 'african american', but the phrase means nothing except that there are powerful residual racist issues remaining in the States from the days of slavery.
Likewise a 'jew' is a person who chooses to have a connection with judaism, and a 'non-jew' is a person who does not. Culture will attach, of course, to large population groups that follow one religion or another for any period of time.
Racism is the very worst kind of evil. Israel is not only proud to be unique as a nation on this Earth with respect to pursuing this evil agenda, but has agents actively propagandising Israel's right to do so. If the theocratic state of Israel is not replaced with a non-evil secular state, atrocities like the one carried out by Israel against holidaymakers on the beach will multiply without limit, until it is not Israel shells blowing apart tens of people, but Israeli nuclear and genetic weapons murdering millions.
28.06.2006 13:53
whose next ?
28.06.2006 14:52
First it was Israeli Army with artillery, shown to be untrue
Secondly it was the Israeli Navy with a shell from a Frigate, shown to be untrue
Now we have the blame being put on the Israeli Air Force
Whose next - The Israeli Boy Scouts ???
This explosion and the subsequent horrific injuries to this family and others was the result of a HAMAS BOOBY TRAP. Difficult to accept for some I know, but there it is
Anti-Semitism, Irrelevant in a generation
"are then taken into an Israeli hospitals"
28.06.2006 15:46
Is there no end to their cruelty ?
Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam.
30.06.2006 16:09
As Cato said : Brassica est quae omnibus holeribus antistat.
Cato the Cabbage
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