Support Iranian women's struggle for just and equality
Hassan | 28.06.2006 01:27 | Gender | World
On Monday, June 12th, a peaceful women’s gathering in one of the street in Tehran was savagely attacked by the Iranian Islamic regime police and about hundred people (mainly women) were arrested. As you see in the picture for the first time the Iranian authority used women police with tear gas and batons to beat women protesters, baking with the secret
and official police men.
During the night and the next morning the police also raided some women activists’ houses and they were then brutally captured and put in prison. In this confrontation some men came out in support of women and were also beaten and arrested.
women’s demands in this protest include: equality to the men in family law in term of right to divorce and the right to keep children after the divorce, the banning of Islamic polygamy (in Islam only men have the right to marry 4 wife and also many unofficial, casual women), an increase in the age of legal punishment from 9 to 18 years old for girls equal to boys, and the reform of employment laws which disadvantage female employees, which impose them more casual and unsafe jobs.
The laws of the Islamic regime of Iran continue to treat women as second-class citizens and regard the value of a woman’s life as half that of a man (if a man kills a woman he has to pay some compensation that is worth half that of a man). Women are denied equal rights in many elements of family life, including marriage and divorce, child custody, and in inheritance laws. According to the women section in the ‘holy’ Khoran, husbands in Islam have the right to beat their wives if she disobeys him. Stoning women to death for committing adultery is still practice in Iran alongside, compulsory head scarf (hejab) even school girls, women are not allowed to watch football in the stadium or sing songs.
We are calling this picket to express our solidarity with the women’s and their demands in Iran and in the meantime asking Amnesty International to seriously put constant pressure on the Iranian regime to release all arrested women and men from prison.
During the night and the next morning the police also raided some women activists’ houses and they were then brutally captured and put in prison. In this confrontation some men came out in support of women and were also beaten and arrested.
women’s demands in this protest include: equality to the men in family law in term of right to divorce and the right to keep children after the divorce, the banning of Islamic polygamy (in Islam only men have the right to marry 4 wife and also many unofficial, casual women), an increase in the age of legal punishment from 9 to 18 years old for girls equal to boys, and the reform of employment laws which disadvantage female employees, which impose them more casual and unsafe jobs.
The laws of the Islamic regime of Iran continue to treat women as second-class citizens and regard the value of a woman’s life as half that of a man (if a man kills a woman he has to pay some compensation that is worth half that of a man). Women are denied equal rights in many elements of family life, including marriage and divorce, child custody, and in inheritance laws. According to the women section in the ‘holy’ Khoran, husbands in Islam have the right to beat their wives if she disobeys him. Stoning women to death for committing adultery is still practice in Iran alongside, compulsory head scarf (hejab) even school girls, women are not allowed to watch football in the stadium or sing songs.
We are calling this picket to express our solidarity with the women’s and their demands in Iran and in the meantime asking Amnesty International to seriously put constant pressure on the Iranian regime to release all arrested women and men from prison.
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anti-Iran articles = pro-Blair, pro-War (genuine would use anti-Saudi news)
28.06.2006 15:28
So, for instance, if I said to a person with no prior knowledge, look at Indymedia UK news-wire stories over the last two years, and tell me which nation Blair intends to attack next, they would see the endless stream of anti-Iran propaganda and say "obviously Iran".
So laughable is the situation, when those nice white blokes wanted to sue Saudi Arabia for torturing them, Blair told them to get stuffed, because Saudia Arabia are the good guys, and forever allies of the UK. Reminds one of Israel, and the two British guys THEY butchered in cold blood, with the full backing of Blair.
Now 'Hassan' seems to have forgotten to have demanded the release of women and children from Blair's Iraq rape/torture facilities, Palestinian women and children from Israeli rape/torture facilities, and likewise from Saudi facilities. What a very very convenient omission.
Want the REAL face of posters like 'hassan'?;jsessionid=XRS53DGEZPN5TQFIQMFCFGGAVCBQYIV0?xml=/news/2006/06/26/wross26.xml
These are the people passing themselves off under 'muslim' names working on sites like this towards Blair's goal of ever growing muslim genocide.
Given that those that run Indymedia UK MUST have a basic awareness of statistics, they are aware that the anti-Iran articles sent at such a regular basis represent a continuous, well organised, and well funded British security service program designed to make possible Blair's Iran war. Morally, while Iran remains in Blair's crosshairs, such posts should be removed as automatically as those that promote the BNP. Free speech is not the right to shout 'fire' in a crowded theatre. People like 'pirate' and 'hassan' post to exactly that purpose.
To make my point clearer, would this site allow a constant stream of anti-jewish articles, if the year was 1935. The people of Iran are in imminent danger of immediate attack, in a conflict that can only escalate rapidly to the point where Iranian dead dwarf the victim total of the First Gulf War. When Blair's people are allowed to carry out their campaign of demonising Iran here, it no more matters if their propaganda carries a kernel of truth than when Blair's propagandists attacked jews. You and I know full well the intent of these posters, and that intent is reason enough to not allow their abuse of this site.
Evil is evil, and if can be stopped at the source, that is the best possible option.
The most evil scene from the first gulf war that most people saw at the time, and recognised as evil, was the bombing of the air-raid shelter in Baghdad. The BBC etc., called the murder of hundreds of women and children 'an accident' but such accidents NEVER happen. Anyway, later, the bombing was revealed by the US government to have been a deliberate attempt to wipe out Iraq leaders. YES, THE US TARGETTED AN AIR-RAID SHELTER KNOWN TO HAVE BEEN FILLED WITH WOMEN AND CHILDREN WITH A MISSILE SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED TO BURN EVERY OCCUPENT ALIVE.
For people like 'hassan' these are the means that justify the ends. The ends of course being, as in Iraq, that while hundreds of thousands are murdered, quislings earn millions in their foreign bank accounts. Monsters amongst us, who would murder us in a hearbeat, if it meant that they got richer doing it.
Anyway, back to the top. If women finally get rights in Saudia Arabia, they will get proper rights in all repressive theocratic regimes of vaguely similar flavour. However, by supporting women's rights in Saudi Arabia, you also attack Blair's foul alliance with the monsters that rule that state, while ensuring Blair gets zero backing for his Iran war. A win-win situation, I think you will all have to agree.
Don't get it? Go ask a German about how they feel about those Germans that, IN ANY WAY, supported anti-jewish propaganda during the build up to WW2. They will tell you, LOUDLY AND CLEARLY that those Germans were responsible for giving Hitler the power and support for all the evil acts that he was then enabled to do.
Or again, look at 'hassan', 'pirate', Tatchell type propaganda that was aimed at Afghanistan in the immediate period before 911 conveniently came along (and when was the last time you saw an anti Afghanistan article posted here, now that Blair's thugs run that country).
'1984' featured state-sponsered hate. Orwell, given his background, had good cause to understand the methods of the propaganda masters. I think that most people are getting fed up of Blair's state-spensered hate against Iran that appears here on such a regular basis.
How predictable
28.06.2006 21:23
Humpty Dumpty
Numbnuts u have contradicted yourself again!
29.06.2006 05:27
Terrorist: anyone who resists corporate theft
29.06.2006 17:52
Blair is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of deaths in Iraq, mostly muslims, which certainly meets the definition of genocide. Twilights point about the propaganda campaign being carried out against Iran is obvious to anyone who witnessed the similar campaign being carried out against Iraq. The juxtaposition with Saudi Arabia, which by all accounts is a more reprehensible regime in every manner, is telling. Why do you suppose it is that we hear only muted criticism of Saudi Arabia ? I'd say it has something to do with the Saudis providing us with all the cheap oil that we want. The Saudis threatened to use oil as a weapon in '73 and the US threatened to invade there too. In this respect, Blair is not committing "anti-muslim genocide". If the oil was under India we'd be slaughtering Hindus and talking of the 'Hindu threat' from Hindu fundamentalists. If the oil was under Greenland we'd be slaughtering Inuit and dropping napalm on igloos. A terrorist is anyone who objects to big-business stealing their resources. Of course, Blair couldn't commit genocide on his own, he requires the compliance and subservience that propaganda engenders. Now, you may want big businessmen to live luxurious lives subsidised by the slaughter of innocents, and you may even be prepared to fight and kill when your 'superiors' order you to, that's your moral choice, but the minute you start showing you believe a single word of the rather obvious propaganda, well, you are only insulting your own intelligence or being dishonest. Argue your case properly, admit you think we should slaughter people for their resources Now Twilight is an obvious arse, but she is perfectly right about this original post being obvious propaganda.
Hassan, if you want to free your country from the mullahs, please fuck off and do so and stop trying to get your own country carpet-bombed by the most brutal military machine in history.
" I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902–1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested" - Smedley Butler, Marine Major General