Drug Action Week in Coffs Harbour
Anon | 28.06.2006 00:29 | Education | World
Drug action week saw residents in Coffs Harbour doing outreach actions in the City Center Mall to tell people some truths about drugs.
AUSTRALIA :CH: An open letter to parents & children - Drug Action Week.
Did you know that…….
A drug is a drug is a drug (whether 'licit' or 'illicit'). There is no 100% safe level of ANY drug, but using the Criteria of Harm, and showing respect to 'your' drug of choice, can minimise and negate any harm. This includes getting the right information and education, and above all, respecting what you use and choosing not to ABUSE. Criteria of Harm: mortality, morbidity, addictiveness, association with crime.
The word licit/legal does NOT make something 'all good', healthy, good for you or safe. These drugs are legal - ethyl alcohol; nicotine; caffeine; prescription & OTC drugs. These are the death statistics for only one year for these drugs…..
Ethyl alcohol - 4,300 dead Nicotine - 16,000 dead caffeine - 500 dead Presc.drugs & OTC's - 12,000 dead. YET, ALL ILLICITS accounted for 1027 deaths in the same time frame, most of these from heroin, some from ecstasy & other amphetamines and 0 from Cannabis. There are no recorded deaths from Cannabis of its own volition. However, if you abuse any drug or consume it in the wrong time and place, you increase your risk and level of harm. i.e. Consuming any drug and driving, or operating machinery.
Drugs! If you don't eat (highly nutritious food), they eat you. Most teenagers (and adults) eat garbage and think it's food, consume carcinogens and think they're drinks i.e. caffeine carcinogenic fluid drug……
..”Coke! As it should be!” (Scientists have already proven that carbonated drinks are carcinogenic/cancer causing. Carbonation is carbon dioxide, and all oxides are carcinogenic including the 'all good' drug, ethane hydroxide also called ethyl alcohol. Think of this before you consume either.
Cigarettes aren't the only advocated carcinogenic drug. (Cigarettes may have caused 16,000 deaths in one year, but the drug nicotine - carcinogenic though it may be - is not the main killer, the smoke is-carbon monoxide combined with 4,000 chemicals, incl. arsenic and ethanol to name only two. Cigarettes contain 40 carcinogenic substances & 18 birth defect substances, most of this being from the delivery system. Ethane hydroxide, (as a drug), claimed thousands of lives in the same year, is a carcinogenic drug and yes…it is a birth defect causing drug also. Foetal Alcohol Syndrome - MAJOR problem around the world.
Just because celebrities, sporting bodies, Politicians, Police, parents, Doctors etc. advocate buzzword 'legal' drugs to children (and yes, they do, regardless of their denials), does not mean they are safe, non-toxic and cannot kill you or cause numerous side effects when ABUSED, just like any drug (buzzwords aside). Sporting bodies - How don't they advocate drugs? The drugs are on the field, around the field, on the players, on the adverts, on the Cheer leaders, on the fans, on the walls of the corridors and team rooms of the stadium, on the goal posts, on the interview walls, not to mention the news reports about the 'antics' that our drunken/drug abusing players get up to! As well as, of course, put out ethyl alcohol drug competitions and quizzes. Then there are the mascots, that our kids love and know about e.g. Bundy Bear (Whose image now graces everything, including our Commonwealth symbol….a kangaroo on one side, an emu on the other and Bundy Bear in the middle with his arms around them both. This symbol is usually used for Sport). “Kick a field goal' or 'score a try' in the name of 'your' favourite drug form and it's dealer/ manufacturer/ sport's sponsor! Just think of the statement, “NBN, we care” and then right underneath it, a VB drug sign on the player's shirt arms!
Kids are now wearing beanies, shirts etc. with ethanol drug logos covering them, with the statement of, “VB in training”. DOES ANYONE GIVE A DAMN?
Does anyone care that when the junk mail comes (and kids invariably go and collect it, and even read it) there are always full page, brightly coloured, ethyl alcohol drug ads usually advocating Bargains, Prizes, as well as the old favourite “Double Up” on drugs! Have a close look sometime. Once people's eyes are opened, you will start to realize just which Drug Cartel runs this country.
Children under the age of 18 (and they are children, even though the movie censors would have you believe that 15 and over is an adult and can be exposed to porn, drugs, violence, intimidation, foul language, bad attitudes, rape, child abuse, adultery…you name…it's all there for them to enjoy!)………..SHOULD NOT BE TAKING DRUGS OF ANY SORT! They don't need them. Kids have drugs in their body. They are called adrenalin, endorphins, dopamine and anandamide and if kids are getting enough exercise, their bodies will be 'jacked up' on the drugs they make themselves.
The other thing is….why children/teens shouldn't take drugs…..is because the Myelin Sheath that protects the brain is not fully formed until a child is between the ages of 18 and 21. The Myelin Sheath is made up, primarily, of fluid. So, what do you think is happening when teens are consuming a dehydrating drug, usually to abuse, and quite often, with polydrug combinations. Ethyl alcohol + caffeine + nicotine (with smoke delivery system) = brain drought combined with essential nutrients being stripped from the brain and the body. Tell your children this! In Brain drought, the brain comes away from the skull and can move around!
Drugs of dependence (highest to lowest)
6. nicotine
5. heroin
4. cocaine (Cocaine hydrochloride)
3. alcohol (ethane hydroxide)
2. caffeine (Tri-methyl-xanthine)
1. cannabis (Tetra-hydro-cannabinol)
Drugs of intoxication:
6. alcohol
5. heroin
4. cocaine
3. cannabis
2. nicotine'
1. caffeine
Alcohol is one of the most dangerous and damaging drugs in Britain today," Dr. Harris said. "Excessive boozing kills four times as many people as drug abuse.
Alcohol is the most widely used psychoactive drug (mood-changing recreational drug) in Australia. (Yes, parents…not only is ethyl alcohol a drug, it is a psychoactive drug!)
Mr. Ken Moroney, Commissioner of NSW Police) Alcohol misuse surpasses all other drugs in terms of the incidence of crime.
Mr. Tony Trimingham (Family Drug Support) - “Alcohol is a drug, it should be called a drug and should be categorized as a drug. I believe it is the most dangerous drug that we have to deal with in our society”.
Prof. Fitzgerald, “I think that what has been said about alcohol being the most socially dangerous drug is absolutely true there will be people who are as drunk as a skunk who say, “AT LEAST I DON'T DO DRUGS!
The Annual Review of Sociology - 1998 - states, “If you want to have fewer bad outcomes in terms of health, welfare and violence, the substance you want to focus on is Alcohol”.
Hon.John Howard,P.M. stated…”Well, I can tell you, I will never favour legalisation of any kind of drug taking”. (J&D: In case no-one has informed you, Mr. Prime Minister, the 2 carbon alcohol, alcohol IS a drug!
“By any of the major criteria of harm - mortality, morbidity, toxicity, addictiveness and relationship with crime- Cannabis is less harmful than any of the other major illicit drugs or than alcohol and tobacco”. Report of the British Police Foundation, March 2000.
Bill Stronoch said, “ For teenagers the risk of alcohol currently far outweighs the risk of illicit drugs”.
….. (writes Alison Cameron), “linking alcohol and illicit drugs would be too scary politically”.
But if alcohol is not a drug', continued Alison Cameron in her article, “how are so many of our children drinking their way into a body bag?'
FOR MORE INFORMATION or to make a comment please: EMAIL respect_what_you_use (at) yahoo.com.au (don't forget the lower case underlining)
THE CRITERIA OF HARM combined with factual unbiased info. & education IS THE DRUG EARLY WARNING SYSTEM for the human race. You know it's coming before it manifests itself. TO BE FOREWARNED IS TO BE FOREARMED! (Qstn: Why don't we have warning signs on the ethyl alcohol drug bottles, cans and cartons as well as at the dealers/manufacturers and on advertisements, seeing as how this drug, when abused, can do so much damage? We do it with cigarettes, but when it comes to 'alcohol', the only thing we do is stick anti-smoking ads next to 'all good' ethyl alcohol drug ads. A lot of hypocrisy in democracy).
Thanks for reminding us...
Did you know that…….
A drug is a drug is a drug (whether 'licit' or 'illicit'). There is no 100% safe level of ANY drug, but using the Criteria of Harm, and showing respect to 'your' drug of choice, can minimise and negate any harm. This includes getting the right information and education, and above all, respecting what you use and choosing not to ABUSE. Criteria of Harm: mortality, morbidity, addictiveness, association with crime.
The word licit/legal does NOT make something 'all good', healthy, good for you or safe. These drugs are legal - ethyl alcohol; nicotine; caffeine; prescription & OTC drugs. These are the death statistics for only one year for these drugs…..
Ethyl alcohol - 4,300 dead Nicotine - 16,000 dead caffeine - 500 dead Presc.drugs & OTC's - 12,000 dead. YET, ALL ILLICITS accounted for 1027 deaths in the same time frame, most of these from heroin, some from ecstasy & other amphetamines and 0 from Cannabis. There are no recorded deaths from Cannabis of its own volition. However, if you abuse any drug or consume it in the wrong time and place, you increase your risk and level of harm. i.e. Consuming any drug and driving, or operating machinery.
Drugs! If you don't eat (highly nutritious food), they eat you. Most teenagers (and adults) eat garbage and think it's food, consume carcinogens and think they're drinks i.e. caffeine carcinogenic fluid drug……
..”Coke! As it should be!” (Scientists have already proven that carbonated drinks are carcinogenic/cancer causing. Carbonation is carbon dioxide, and all oxides are carcinogenic including the 'all good' drug, ethane hydroxide also called ethyl alcohol. Think of this before you consume either.
Cigarettes aren't the only advocated carcinogenic drug. (Cigarettes may have caused 16,000 deaths in one year, but the drug nicotine - carcinogenic though it may be - is not the main killer, the smoke is-carbon monoxide combined with 4,000 chemicals, incl. arsenic and ethanol to name only two. Cigarettes contain 40 carcinogenic substances & 18 birth defect substances, most of this being from the delivery system. Ethane hydroxide, (as a drug), claimed thousands of lives in the same year, is a carcinogenic drug and yes…it is a birth defect causing drug also. Foetal Alcohol Syndrome - MAJOR problem around the world.
Just because celebrities, sporting bodies, Politicians, Police, parents, Doctors etc. advocate buzzword 'legal' drugs to children (and yes, they do, regardless of their denials), does not mean they are safe, non-toxic and cannot kill you or cause numerous side effects when ABUSED, just like any drug (buzzwords aside). Sporting bodies - How don't they advocate drugs? The drugs are on the field, around the field, on the players, on the adverts, on the Cheer leaders, on the fans, on the walls of the corridors and team rooms of the stadium, on the goal posts, on the interview walls, not to mention the news reports about the 'antics' that our drunken/drug abusing players get up to! As well as, of course, put out ethyl alcohol drug competitions and quizzes. Then there are the mascots, that our kids love and know about e.g. Bundy Bear (Whose image now graces everything, including our Commonwealth symbol….a kangaroo on one side, an emu on the other and Bundy Bear in the middle with his arms around them both. This symbol is usually used for Sport). “Kick a field goal' or 'score a try' in the name of 'your' favourite drug form and it's dealer/ manufacturer/ sport's sponsor! Just think of the statement, “NBN, we care” and then right underneath it, a VB drug sign on the player's shirt arms!
Kids are now wearing beanies, shirts etc. with ethanol drug logos covering them, with the statement of, “VB in training”. DOES ANYONE GIVE A DAMN?
Does anyone care that when the junk mail comes (and kids invariably go and collect it, and even read it) there are always full page, brightly coloured, ethyl alcohol drug ads usually advocating Bargains, Prizes, as well as the old favourite “Double Up” on drugs! Have a close look sometime. Once people's eyes are opened, you will start to realize just which Drug Cartel runs this country.
Children under the age of 18 (and they are children, even though the movie censors would have you believe that 15 and over is an adult and can be exposed to porn, drugs, violence, intimidation, foul language, bad attitudes, rape, child abuse, adultery…you name…it's all there for them to enjoy!)………..SHOULD NOT BE TAKING DRUGS OF ANY SORT! They don't need them. Kids have drugs in their body. They are called adrenalin, endorphins, dopamine and anandamide and if kids are getting enough exercise, their bodies will be 'jacked up' on the drugs they make themselves.
The other thing is….why children/teens shouldn't take drugs…..is because the Myelin Sheath that protects the brain is not fully formed until a child is between the ages of 18 and 21. The Myelin Sheath is made up, primarily, of fluid. So, what do you think is happening when teens are consuming a dehydrating drug, usually to abuse, and quite often, with polydrug combinations. Ethyl alcohol + caffeine + nicotine (with smoke delivery system) = brain drought combined with essential nutrients being stripped from the brain and the body. Tell your children this! In Brain drought, the brain comes away from the skull and can move around!
Drugs of dependence (highest to lowest)
6. nicotine
5. heroin
4. cocaine (Cocaine hydrochloride)
3. alcohol (ethane hydroxide)
2. caffeine (Tri-methyl-xanthine)
1. cannabis (Tetra-hydro-cannabinol)
Drugs of intoxication:
6. alcohol
5. heroin
4. cocaine
3. cannabis
2. nicotine'
1. caffeine
Alcohol is one of the most dangerous and damaging drugs in Britain today," Dr. Harris said. "Excessive boozing kills four times as many people as drug abuse.

Alcohol is the most widely used psychoactive drug (mood-changing recreational drug) in Australia. (Yes, parents…not only is ethyl alcohol a drug, it is a psychoactive drug!)

Mr. Ken Moroney, Commissioner of NSW Police) Alcohol misuse surpasses all other drugs in terms of the incidence of crime.
Mr. Tony Trimingham (Family Drug Support) - “Alcohol is a drug, it should be called a drug and should be categorized as a drug. I believe it is the most dangerous drug that we have to deal with in our society”.
Prof. Fitzgerald, “I think that what has been said about alcohol being the most socially dangerous drug is absolutely true there will be people who are as drunk as a skunk who say, “AT LEAST I DON'T DO DRUGS!
The Annual Review of Sociology - 1998 - states, “If you want to have fewer bad outcomes in terms of health, welfare and violence, the substance you want to focus on is Alcohol”.
Hon.John Howard,P.M. stated…”Well, I can tell you, I will never favour legalisation of any kind of drug taking”. (J&D: In case no-one has informed you, Mr. Prime Minister, the 2 carbon alcohol, alcohol IS a drug!
“By any of the major criteria of harm - mortality, morbidity, toxicity, addictiveness and relationship with crime- Cannabis is less harmful than any of the other major illicit drugs or than alcohol and tobacco”. Report of the British Police Foundation, March 2000.
Bill Stronoch said, “ For teenagers the risk of alcohol currently far outweighs the risk of illicit drugs”.
….. (writes Alison Cameron), “linking alcohol and illicit drugs would be too scary politically”.
But if alcohol is not a drug', continued Alison Cameron in her article, “how are so many of our children drinking their way into a body bag?'
FOR MORE INFORMATION or to make a comment please: EMAIL respect_what_you_use (at) yahoo.com.au (don't forget the lower case underlining)
THE CRITERIA OF HARM combined with factual unbiased info. & education IS THE DRUG EARLY WARNING SYSTEM for the human race. You know it's coming before it manifests itself. TO BE FOREWARNED IS TO BE FOREARMED! (Qstn: Why don't we have warning signs on the ethyl alcohol drug bottles, cans and cartons as well as at the dealers/manufacturers and on advertisements, seeing as how this drug, when abused, can do so much damage? We do it with cigarettes, but when it comes to 'alcohol', the only thing we do is stick anti-smoking ads next to 'all good' ethyl alcohol drug ads. A lot of hypocrisy in democracy).
Thanks for reminding us...

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