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John Howard in Asia

peptide | 27.06.2006 14:35 | Analysis | Culture | World

John Howard was ‘surprised’ when he encountered the President of Indonesia, while taking his early morning walk in Jakarta, reported News Radio Australia. The report stated that Howard was “visibly shocked” by the unexpected encounter, which obviously was intended to deliver a clear message; the Indonesian President is not known for taking early morning walks, we can therefore conclude that his gesture was calculated.

The ‘strong’ posturing of Howard regarding limiting the activities of the terrorist, Abu Bakar Bashir, became his usual gastric discharge when faced with the reality of a man to ‘man’ confrontation. The grotesque imp, Howard, ‘caves in’ yet again! Howard now accepts the reality as dictated by the Indonesians regarding the Muslim cleric. Howard’s overt about-face on the issue has raised the usual smirks and expressions of disgust from Asian and other world leaders who are no longer surprised by the very visible cowardice of the Australian leader.

‘Lest we forget’ the shame that Howard brings on the Australian nation and its people. The reputation that our brave fighting men and women have earned has been compromised by the most shameless, despicable coward in Australian history, and so it is recorded. If Howard was/is your choice of leader and international representative then your character is in question.

The Chinese leadership was very happy to receive Howard today, especially after the Indonesians had placed him in a pliant and ‘receptive’ frame of mind. The joke however, is on us!



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John who?

27.06.2006 22:42

Please do not accept articles on John what's-his-name. In Australia
most people don't want to hear from this person or about him.

Australian politics and especially JH are IRRELEVANT on the
world stage. ANyone who writes about him is just as frustrated
as JH - trying to make out self-importance when they are just another nobody

If you want Australian news refer to Greens leader Mr Bob Brown - and no-one else,
because they are just clowns.


3 amigos

28.06.2006 04:43

You know, Tony liar Blair -- you must've heard of that pommy piece of shite, George the moron sheriff Bush and his deputy sheriff, gutless wonder John Howard -- all also known as the original coalition of willing criminals. I thought the yanks were dumb but a huge challenge is now underway from the sanctimonious Brits. O shit! I almost forgot, some of you are caught in a time warp -- you still labour under the misapprension that your (now defunct) Empire persists -- in your dreams, fwit, in your dreams!
