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9/11 - The Trigger

Baywolf | 27.06.2006 05:34 | Anti-militarism

I'm not going to go into too much technical
detail on why it's all a lie. There are too
many well researched sites by professional
smart guys for that.

Instead, let's step back for an overview
and put some puzzle pieces together.



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Same old....

27.06.2006 18:53

Come on, this isn't even original or new! Do we HAVE to knock it down all over again.

Tell you what Baywolf, just go to and have a look at the conspiracy theory section, you'll have great fun debating it all there.



28.06.2006 03:23

Read "Rebuilding America's Defenses"

911 = PNAC, CIA, Mossad


29.06.2006 11:04

of the same old tosh rehashed. On any other subject this would be deemed non-news, but to IMCUK who are administrated by a couple of 9/11 Truth loons this pathetic crap still stand.

Get a fucking grip this place is becoming a joke.

Free speech

cutting . . . . at last i comprehend -

29.06.2006 18:05

- niger uranium was fact, 45 min-launch WMD within range of UK - a fact, the al-q/baathist tie-up was fact - ms satire here(here) says, in mesmerising voices, i should forget to google "2 remember the scams" - or think - cos

reichstag fire wasnt a set up.