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How come Galloway's RESPECT group has teamed up with Tories and lib Dems !

©Muhammad Haque | 26.06.2006 19:34 | Social Struggles | London

While Tony Blair teams up with all known factors against democracy and fairness in society in his new programme of attacks on society in Britain, the last thing we needed was the group of local politicians representing the RESPECT Party of George Galloway, teaming up with Tories and lib Dems and pleading for the guidance of Ruth Kelly on what to do about democarcy !

Is someone having a laugh! Or did I come across a single sheet of paper that was a unique production just to amuse me on a wet summer Monday in London's East End? I doubt it. I have just been to a news conference held in Tower Hamlets Coucnil 'Town Hall' in the Tory-ied isle of Dogs region. And there I was given a copy of the letter that was apparently signed by the opposition leaders of the Lib Dems [6 councillors] Tories [7 councillors] and George Galloway’s RESPECT group with 12 councillors. In that letter they make statements about the present Blarist [this is one of my phrases] Tower Hamlets council obstructing democracy and in the final part of their letter the three opposition grouoplette leaders look for Ruth Kelly’s opinions as to what to do !

This is so far from the promise that George Galloway made about what the RESECT councillors would do once in office that I am writing a very detailed report on the whole thing.

©Muhammad Haque
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The answer is elementary, my dear Mohammed...

26.06.2006 21:04

Put quite simply the Respect party, George Galloway, the SWP and the opportunists and careerists therein are a crowd of blood-sucking leeches and vultures who are licking their lips at pocketing their annual councillors wages.

Don't think that you can trust anything they say and don't be surprised if any of them suddenly appear in the Big Brother house wearing pink leotards and doing cat impressions. (NB: Someone inform Galloway that when wearing a leotard it is advisable to avail oneself of some rolled up socks to enhance ones appearance.)

In particular the SWP should hang their heads in shame. These vile creatures are not so much revolutionaries as middle class, politically correct, whining radical liberals. What a freak show!

Uncle Joe

Truth hurts

27.06.2006 05:03

What a boring piece of the usual sectarian tosh! Get out a bit more young man! You should not be wasting your days lying and distorting the truth about Respect .
After all the truth could damage your cause.
You could have mentioned for example how Respect cllrs ere supportive of the recent Forestgate demonstration that protested at the shooting by the police of an innocent local man. You could have said how Respect cllrs have campaigned to keep open the local market or how Galloway and Respect have campaigned to save the local fire station....but hey you are a sectarian git and would not recognise the truth if if it ran past you dressed in green lycra.


Greedy F**kers

27.06.2006 08:47

Mmmmmm those councillors' wage checks. I'm burning up in side with envy just thinking of them.

Seriously, right, do you actually KNOW how much a councillor gets paid?

£8k per year.

Possibly a bit more in London, possibly not. In Sheffield, it's £8.

Now if I was a blood sucking leach, I'd look elsewhere for financial opportunities.

By the way, there will always be some issues where all the parties will want to make a common statement against Blairism, that's just a reflection of how bad Blairism is.

And as for asking Ruth Kelly's opinion, I imagine they were saying something like come on Ruth Kelly, look what a mess you've made, what the hell are you going to do now eh?

Corporate Dan the Dollar Bill Man

what a surprise

27.06.2006 10:02

well i must say that i am not remotely surprised that respect have sold out on what little decency they had. they have been and always will be a reactive, populist party that leaps on bandwagons here, there and everywhere.

they have, i admit, made a few small lefty gestures, but over all their record is pretty ordinary. people need to stop relying on electoral parties to get things done and take back their own lives, working together with friends and the broader community to deal with problems. gains have only ever been made by people getting off their arses and doing it for themselves. i am never let down by parties or leaders, because i do not presume that they will be any better than previous ones.

as the famous saying goes 'Guy Fawkes: the only person ever to enter Parliament with honest intentions'...

Guido F


29.06.2006 18:17

"Seriously, right, do you actually KNOW how much a councillor gets paid?"

I used to work in a council and I know councillors official pay is a fraction of what most of them earn. Most of them were the most corrupt bastards I've ever met and were completely on the take.

However, the money, even the bribes, were secondary to them. Their main motivation was the exercise of power and authority, and the pursuit of more power and authority. Someone once said there is a Hitler living in every street in Britain. That might be false, but there is certainly 10 Hitlers in every council in the UK. Scum of the earth.
