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Faslane 365 - Join the Cambridge blockade

Stuart | 26.06.2006 14:43 | Anti-militarism | Cambridge

People from Cambridge are signing up for Faslane 365, the civil resistance project for the disarmament of Britain's Nuclear Weapons by a continuous year-long peaceful blockade of the Trident base at Faslane.

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download, print, photocopy and give to a friend

Join us and take positive action for a nuclear free future.

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Enough shite

28.06.2006 23:35

Faslane Peace Camp has decided to shut itself down in two years as it is no longer a relevant peace camp but just an embarrassing junkyard full of drunks. The oldest peace camp in Europe has been sabotaged by incompetents. Long live the next peace camp ! Time to refocuss Faslane 365, no ?
