Mission Accomplished? I don't think so
twopercenthuman | 23.06.2006 04:11 | Analysis | Globalisation | World
We're seeing the first signs that the American mainstream media is begining to report that there are questions about September 11. And will try to manipulate the argument away from US Government onto the Saudis and Islamic Fudamentalists.
There's also evidence that American TV viewers are moving away from NeoCon media outlets such as FoxNews.
There's also evidence that American TV viewers are moving away from NeoCon media outlets such as FoxNews.
Mission Accomplished?
So for George W Bush the writing's already on the wall.
He's served his purpose. The securing of the energy supply in double quick time with the aid of the deception of the New Pearl Harbor. 911 and "The War On Terror".
The Industrial-Militarty-Media complex are already getting America ready for the spectacle that will be his, Cheyney's, and the rest of those Texas Tea Boys impeachment for something or other, Spying on his own people, engineering 911, election rigging, whatever. And all the Americans will go out and vote for the Democrats and things will carry on as before only now America owns 70% of the planet's oil supply.
And don't expect the covert operations by NSA, DIA, CIA, ASS (!) ,DHS, DOD, FBI, DEA to stop. Or the policy of pumping as much oil, at as high a price per barrel as possible. The war on terror will continue and America's foreign policy will remain unchanged, because America needs an enemy to fight to justify it's massive spending on defence. So expect more "wind up the Muslims" foreign policy in Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Palestine. Israel will still be supported even though it defies UN resolutions, has weapons of mass destruction, and continues with the genocide of the Palestinian People.
The right in America are already accepting that the events of 911 need further scrutiny, but, gauging from the small snippets of Fox News that I can tolerate it looks as though the right will say that those Saudi's were to blame, that you need a degree in civil engineering to understand the collapses of the three buildings on September 11 2001. That the lack of a response from the most expensive military, intelligence system on the planet was because of "cock ups". That it is forbidden to even think that explosives were used. And that the attacks were carried out by those "really really" scary Islamic Fundamentalist terrorists.
Contrast this with the Corporate media's early policy of painting any one who doubts the Official Story of 911 as tin foil heads, Conspiraloons etc. Now they have a Christian theology professor (Dr Ray Griffin), a Republican Mormon Physics Professor (Prof Steven Jones) and Hollywood to deal with and they're already softening , the promise to close Guantanamo Bay (when?), for example.
Why? Well Bush's popularity is already at a low and falling. Stations like Fox News ratings are falling. More 911 Truth activists are appearing in the mainstream media.
And so the Corporatist forces will usher out Geoge 'Bubble Head' Bush and his criminal regieme in a distracting few years of litigation and due process, meanwhile the Corporatist agenda will continue unabated and the real issues facing humankind Global Warming, FairTrade, Poverty etc etc will be sidelined.
You don't need a civil engineering degree to understand that the use of explosives is the most probable explanation for the collapse of the buildings. All you need is an understanding of The Law of the Conservation of Energy. which is secondary school physics.
The collapse of the buildings, especially the twin towers, can only be explained by a massive input of energy i.e. explosive energy for the laws of Conservation of Energy to be satisfied.
You can't spin a Law of Physics. Unless you're a religious fundamentalist or just plain mentalist get it ;-)
So for the Corporate Hegemony it may well be Mission Accomplished, but for Geoge W times running out.
Let's hope they don't come up with something like a new Hiroshima to end the War On Terror.
So for George W Bush the writing's already on the wall.
He's served his purpose. The securing of the energy supply in double quick time with the aid of the deception of the New Pearl Harbor. 911 and "The War On Terror".
The Industrial-Militarty-Media complex are already getting America ready for the spectacle that will be his, Cheyney's, and the rest of those Texas Tea Boys impeachment for something or other, Spying on his own people, engineering 911, election rigging, whatever. And all the Americans will go out and vote for the Democrats and things will carry on as before only now America owns 70% of the planet's oil supply.
And don't expect the covert operations by NSA, DIA, CIA, ASS (!) ,DHS, DOD, FBI, DEA to stop. Or the policy of pumping as much oil, at as high a price per barrel as possible. The war on terror will continue and America's foreign policy will remain unchanged, because America needs an enemy to fight to justify it's massive spending on defence. So expect more "wind up the Muslims" foreign policy in Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Palestine. Israel will still be supported even though it defies UN resolutions, has weapons of mass destruction, and continues with the genocide of the Palestinian People.
The right in America are already accepting that the events of 911 need further scrutiny, but, gauging from the small snippets of Fox News that I can tolerate it looks as though the right will say that those Saudi's were to blame, that you need a degree in civil engineering to understand the collapses of the three buildings on September 11 2001. That the lack of a response from the most expensive military, intelligence system on the planet was because of "cock ups". That it is forbidden to even think that explosives were used. And that the attacks were carried out by those "really really" scary Islamic Fundamentalist terrorists.
Contrast this with the Corporate media's early policy of painting any one who doubts the Official Story of 911 as tin foil heads, Conspiraloons etc. Now they have a Christian theology professor (Dr Ray Griffin), a Republican Mormon Physics Professor (Prof Steven Jones) and Hollywood to deal with and they're already softening , the promise to close Guantanamo Bay (when?), for example.
Why? Well Bush's popularity is already at a low and falling. Stations like Fox News ratings are falling. More 911 Truth activists are appearing in the mainstream media.
And so the Corporatist forces will usher out Geoge 'Bubble Head' Bush and his criminal regieme in a distracting few years of litigation and due process, meanwhile the Corporatist agenda will continue unabated and the real issues facing humankind Global Warming, FairTrade, Poverty etc etc will be sidelined.
You don't need a civil engineering degree to understand that the use of explosives is the most probable explanation for the collapse of the buildings. All you need is an understanding of The Law of the Conservation of Energy. which is secondary school physics.
The collapse of the buildings, especially the twin towers, can only be explained by a massive input of energy i.e. explosive energy for the laws of Conservation of Energy to be satisfied.
You can't spin a Law of Physics. Unless you're a religious fundamentalist or just plain mentalist get it ;-)
So for the Corporate Hegemony it may well be Mission Accomplished, but for Geoge W times running out.
Let's hope they don't come up with something like a new Hiroshima to end the War On Terror.
