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Save the internet!

a concerned individual | 20.06.2006 10:02 | Education | Globalisation | Technology | World

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a concerned individual
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Don't Panic

20.06.2006 18:56

It is hardly surprising that the jackals are trying to clean up on the internet - but this is really a smokescreen for more extensive censorship on a political level. The fact of people having to pay for internet access [which they already do] is just another twist in the supermarketisation of choice. The idea of an economy range of internet use for the scumbags who can't pay and a posh version for the rich just means that we will use it less - like putting tax on fuel. I can't help thinking that this is perhaps a good thing and will lead to people actually devising alternative means of communicating while the zombies in their cyberpods rot in hell.

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