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Bicycles for Africa at Vauxhall Park Sunday 18th June

AK | 17.06.2006 23:35 | Ecology | Education | Technology | London

URGENT call from re-cycle to help fill a container of bikes leaving for Cameroun on Sunday 18th June at 6pm.

Re-cycle ( are loading up a container of bikes for shipment to Cameroun ( this weekend. They are requesting donations of bikes, part-bikes and tools to make maximum use of the container space.

The organisation Re-cycle has its roots in South London, has diverted tens of thousands of bikes from landfill and immeasurably improved the lives of as many people in the third world. Please support them and help fill this container. Read more here:

SUNDAY 18th June 10am-6pm
100 Vauxhall Walk
SE11 5EL

Also accepted:
Tools of any description
Unwanted mobile phones (with chargers),

Also needed:
Volunteers to help loading

Questions: or 07970731530

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Good Bicycles for Africa

03.07.2008 13:11

Good Bicycles for Africa are stable and robust one-gear roadster bikes like they are used and produced in Asia and exported to Africa.
They can easily be repaired and spares are everywhere available.

Old 2nd hand bike from Europe or America can't be used in the typic African way of bicycle use == heavy loads on bad paths and roads. Spares are difficult to get, the parts are manifold and sophisticated and maintenance costly for the owners.

This can easily be proved by evaluation, but the ones who continue to send old bikes to Africa are fearing evaluation very much.

Hannes Schindler

Hannes Schindler
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