Against expansion in Eastleigh
AXE Press | 16.06.2006 10:18 | Ecology | South Coast
As part of the June 10th European Day of Action against airport expansions a group of concerned residents and local campaigners staged a demonstration at Eastleigh Airport (Southampton). The call out for protests is an attempt to raise issues such as night flights and loss of runway alternation which could increase flight numbers and the resulting impacts such as noise blighting local communities and increased carbon emissions/climate change at a time when aviation is already the fastest growing emitter of carbon dioxide despite the need to reduce emissions to tackle climate change. Demonstrations and rallies were also held in eight other countries, voicing similar concern about airport expansion across Europe.
The launch of the campaign in Southampton and Hampshire in general saw campaigners delivering their concerns to the BAA representative under the full media glare. There was agreement that both sides meet in the near future to discuss the expansion plans and begin a dialogue between AXE and BAA. The rest of the time was spent on the entrance road to the airport with our placards, AXE Airlines (people powered, pollution and noise free costumes!) and plenty of chanting.
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