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Revealed: the shrapnel evidence that points to Israel's guilt

Independent Online | 14.06.2006 18:44 | Repression | World

The Zionists are currently spreading the LIE that the explosion was a Hamas mine, and that the video which showed an Israeli naval vessel off the coast had been altered.

Unfortunately for them, the evidence says otherwise ...

Revealed: the shrapnel evidence that points to Israel's guilt
By Donald Macintyre in Beit Lahiya, Gaza
Published: 14 June 2006
Israel has dismissed continuing calls for an independent international inquiry into the beachfront explosion which killed seven members of a Palestinian family in Gaza last Friday after its own internal military investigation decided it was not responsible for the blast.

As the military investigation team insisted that artillery fire had stopped by the time the explosion occurred and suggested it had been caused by a bomb planted in the sand, Amir Peretz, the Defence Minister, declared: " The accumulating evidence proves that this incident was not due to Israeli forces."

But the official interpretation was strongly challenged by a former Pentagon battle damage expert who has surveyed the scene of the beach explosion. He said yesterday that "all the evidence points" to a 155mm Israeli land-based artillery shell as its cause.

Marc Garlasco, who worked in war zones including Iraq and Kosovo during his seven-year stint in the US Department of Defence, called for an independent investigation into the killings after concluding that shell fragments and shrapnel from the site, the size and distribution of the craters on the beach, and the type of injuries sustained by the victims made Israeli shelling easily the likeliest cause.

His assessment came as at least another seven civilians, including two children, as well as two Islamic Jihad militants, were killed in a double Israeli missile strike on a VW van in the densely populated Zeitoun district of Gaza City yesterday. The two children were hit at a nearby house by flying shrapnel and the civilian dead included three medical workers from a nearby children's hospital who rushed to help after hearing the first explosion.

Israel said the militants had been on their way to launch Katyusha rockets which have a much longer range than the Qassam rockets normally fired from Gaza into Israel. One of the two dead Islamic Jihad militants was Hamoud Wadiya, described as the top rocket launcher in the faction. Mr Peretz said before the strike that Israel was resuming operations "to protect the citizens of Israel" after a pause caused by what he had acknowledged had been "the international storm" over the civilian deaths at the Beit Lahia beach last Friday.

The debate over the beach explosion is unlikely to die down however. Mr Garlasco who is now the senior military analyst for Human Rights Watch, said yesterday: "Of course I can't be completely conclusive but all the evidence points to its being a 155mm Israeli shell which killed the Palestinians on the beach."

Mr Garlasco said that most of the serious injuries of the victims in the Gaza hospitals that he had visited were to the torsos and heads, which were inconsistent with a land mine or of a bomb embedded in the sand. "If this had been a landmine I would have expected to see serious leg injuries," he said. Mr Garlasco said that while he could not rule out the theoretical possibility that Palestinian militants had rigged up an unexploded 155mm shell to make an explosive device of their own, that too would have normally produced many more severe leg injuries.

Mr Garlasco produced a four to five-inch, mainly blackened shell fragment which he collected about 100 yards from the scene of the explosion and in which the figures 55 and the letters "mm" are clearly discernible. While acknowledging that this was not itself definite proof that the shell had killed the Palestinians he said some fragments and shrapnel which the Palestinian police explosives department say they took from the scene where the victims were killed were definitely from a 155mm shell.

Mr Garlasco who accompanied a small group of journalists to the Beit Lahia beach, pointed to three separate craters, each covered in a whitish powder, which he said were fresh, one of which was at the spot where witnesses agree the fatal blast occurred, and the two others separated it from it by about 120 and 250 yards. Mr Garlasco added: "It would be a really ridiculous coincidence if there is active shelling and then suddenly an IED [improvised explosive device] goes off."

The military have admitted firing earlier in the area but now say that the explosion occurred between 4.47 and 5.10pm, when it says firing had stopped. An ambulance driver from the nearby al-Awda hospital, Khaled Abu Sada, said that he first took a call about the emergency at 4.50pm.

The military did not explicitly repeat claims in earlier leaks that Hamas had planted the device or say whether it was a dud shell. It says that shrapnel taken from the bodies of victims being treated in Israeli hospitals was not from a 150mm shell. But Mr Garlasco said that copper-lined shrapnel taken from two injured girls who had been in a car at the time of the blast and from the car itself were consistent with such a shell fired by a M109 howitzer.

Mr Garlasco ruled out the possibility that the shells were naval, as originally thought, on the grounds that they were too large to be fired from Israeli navy coastal vessels.

Israel has dismissed continuing calls for an independent international inquiry into the beachfront explosion which killed seven members of a Palestinian family in Gaza last Friday after its own internal military investigation decided it was not responsible for the blast.

As the military investigation team insisted that artillery fire had stopped by the time the explosion occurred and suggested it had been caused by a bomb planted in the sand, Amir Peretz, the Defence Minister, declared: " The accumulating evidence proves that this incident was not due to Israeli forces."

But the official interpretation was strongly challenged by a former Pentagon battle damage expert who has surveyed the scene of the beach explosion. He said yesterday that "all the evidence points" to a 155mm Israeli land-based artillery shell as its cause.

Marc Garlasco, who worked in war zones including Iraq and Kosovo during his seven-year stint in the US Department of Defence, called for an independent investigation into the killings after concluding that shell fragments and shrapnel from the site, the size and distribution of the craters on the beach, and the type of injuries sustained by the victims made Israeli shelling easily the likeliest cause.

His assessment came as at least another seven civilians, including two children, as well as two Islamic Jihad militants, were killed in a double Israeli missile strike on a VW van in the densely populated Zeitoun district of Gaza City yesterday. The two children were hit at a nearby house by flying shrapnel and the civilian dead included three medical workers from a nearby children's hospital who rushed to help after hearing the first explosion.

Israel said the militants had been on their way to launch Katyusha rockets which have a much longer range than the Qassam rockets normally fired from Gaza into Israel. One of the two dead Islamic Jihad militants was Hamoud Wadiya, described as the top rocket launcher in the faction. Mr Peretz said before the strike that Israel was resuming operations "to protect the citizens of Israel" after a pause caused by what he had acknowledged had been "the international storm" over the civilian deaths at the Beit Lahia beach last Friday.

The debate over the beach explosion is unlikely to die down however. Mr Garlasco who is now the senior military analyst for Human Rights Watch, said yesterday: "Of course I can't be completely conclusive but all the evidence points to its being a 155mm Israeli shell which killed the Palestinians on the beach."
Mr Garlasco said that most of the serious injuries of the victims in the Gaza hospitals that he had visited were to the torsos and heads, which were inconsistent with a land mine or of a bomb embedded in the sand. "If this had been a landmine I would have expected to see serious leg injuries," he said. Mr Garlasco said that while he could not rule out the theoretical possibility that Palestinian militants had rigged up an unexploded 155mm shell to make an explosive device of their own, that too would have normally produced many more severe leg injuries.

Mr Garlasco produced a four to five-inch, mainly blackened shell fragment which he collected about 100 yards from the scene of the explosion and in which the figures 55 and the letters "mm" are clearly discernible. While acknowledging that this was not itself definite proof that the shell had killed the Palestinians he said some fragments and shrapnel which the Palestinian police explosives department say they took from the scene where the victims were killed were definitely from a 155mm shell.

Mr Garlasco who accompanied a small group of journalists to the Beit Lahia beach, pointed to three separate craters, each covered in a whitish powder, which he said were fresh, one of which was at the spot where witnesses agree the fatal blast occurred, and the two others separated it from it by about 120 and 250 yards. Mr Garlasco added: "It would be a really ridiculous coincidence if there is active shelling and then suddenly an IED [improvised explosive device] goes off."

The military have admitted firing earlier in the area but now say that the explosion occurred between 4.47 and 5.10pm, when it says firing had stopped. An ambulance driver from the nearby al-Awda hospital, Khaled Abu Sada, said that he first took a call about the emergency at 4.50pm.

The military did not explicitly repeat claims in earlier leaks that Hamas had planted the device or say whether it was a dud shell. It says that shrapnel taken from the bodies of victims being treated in Israeli hospitals was not from a 150mm shell. But Mr Garlasco said that copper-lined shrapnel taken from two injured girls who had been in a car at the time of the blast and from the car itself were consistent with such a shell fired by a M109 howitzer.

Mr Garlasco ruled out the possibility that the shells were naval, as originally thought, on the grounds that they were too large to be fired from Israeli navy coastal vessels.

Independent Online


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The idiotic Israeli lie was issued to protect Blair

14.06.2006 23:46

Once again, let me point out the obvious. Israel historically lies about its responsibility for massacres, when such a massacre has the misfortune to occur just before high level meetings between Israel and powerful Western leaders (in this case Blair). The denial is simply a diplomatic method to protect the foreign leader from criticism over his meeting at that particular moment.

Israel has zero problem with the truth being confirmed later because 1) Israel friendly mass media (ie all mass media) knows that few pay attention to stale news 2) Israel never pays any penalty for its CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY- and actually usually benefits because members of its tribe in the US, UK etc feel under siege, so pull out all the stops to boost pro-Israeli efforts in those nations

The big picture is that Israel is the very WORST of all the smaller criminal regimes on our planet, and uses the entirety of its tribal influence to increase the numbers of muslims murdered each year. Israel was 'born' as a consequence of the most disgusting racist terrorist acts, and is maintained as a 'master-race' symbol intended to deprave and corrupt as many members of the tribe as possible so that they will stand together regardless of circumstances.

For Blair, the criminal insanity that Israel represents is a means to an end. If the perception of the Iraq invasion has cooled the enthusiasm of non-tribal US politicians for more war, Blair KNOWS that the power of Israel's tribe members in US politics can be relied upon to keep the US to Blair's gameplan. If the visible US Neocons feel vunerable, Blair knows that Israel will use its vast network of tentacles to choke US policy back in line.

Remember, EVERYTHING THAT IS HAPPENING AT THIS MOMENT IS ABOUT THE COMING WAR WITH IRAN. Israel is hardly butchering palestinians in such numbers by accident, and is currently involved in a carefully calculated game of massive provocation. All hell breaks loose when Blair attacks Iran. Millions of humans will be murdered all across our planet under the logic that "if Blair and Bush can get away with it, so can we." Every powerful criminal regime that feels that its problems CAN be solved with massive use of violence WILL use that method. Israel, in particular, has been best friends with endless other criminal regimes, including Bosnian-War-Age Serbia, Apartheid South Africa, Idi Amin's Uganda (before they fell out), and all the worst regimes in South America. The moment Israel feels fully free to act as it wishes, it will outdo any of those racist European forces that willingly aided Hitler to bring such genocide to mainland Europe during WW2.

Every single act and policy of Israel is racist in nature. History shows in the clearest way where such regimes ALWAYS go, when given freedom to act as they wish. Any attempt to APPEASE a nation like Israel will end in total disaster.. Only by disassembling this racist, terrorist state, and reconstructing a moral, just, and decent nation in its place can genocide in that area be averted. However, with Blair so far advanced in his plans, it is way too late to do anything about Israel in time to make any real difference.

As distressing as we all find every act of Israeli terrorism, all efforts should be turned to stopping Blair's genocide of Iran, and this will only happen if Blair himself is removed from power (whereas, the removal of Bush would immediately allow a much more powerful pro-Blair leader to take power in the US). The final pre-war psy-op is in place with the pretend negotiations with Iran in an attempt to cast Blair as the good guy (so close are we to war, the top ranking US Neocons are even willing to happily point out the ruse, seeing no need at this stage to even give it lip-service).

Similar phoney negotiations marked the moment just before the Kosovo War, the Afghanistan Invasion, and the invasion of Iraq. We have reached the end of our time, and whether via a false-flag in the World Cup, a war-pact of Western powers, an act of insanity by Israel, or a "what the hell, let's just bomb them regardless" by the US, Blair is about to activate AGGRESSIVE WAR against Iran, and thus trigger the Third World War.



15.06.2006 21:56

So twitlight its ok to promote 'regime change' in Isreal but not in Iraq and Iran.


You are one giant FALSE FLAG of lies and nonsense.

You remind me of Hitler in so many ways, your random SHOUTING, and your desire to magnify the most trivial event into a world wide conspiracy - no doubt the Jews are behind it all.

The only thing 'laser sharp' about your posts is your ramant anti sematism.



18.06.2006 04:31

"its ok to promote 'regime change' in Isreal but not in Iraq and Iran.(?)"

Yes, if the criteria is the threat posed by that criminal Regime, which just happens to be in violation of more UN Resolutions than any other country on the planet ...

And then you swing that big Sword about, which, like the voice of the Boy Who Cried 'Wolf!', has grown rather dull ...

It's now been proven that the Hardline Zionist Extremists currently in control of Israel carry out phony "investigations", and willingly LIE not only to the world, but more importantly, to their own citizens, and the Useful Idiots who support their indefensible, perpetual War on Palestine.

To put the matter in context, remember that until the illegal settlements were removed from Gaza (As the media applauded so hard, it seemed to miss the fact that Israel annexed more land in the W. Bank than it "sacrificed" in Gaza ...), Palestinians were forbidden to step foot on the beach. Following "Disengagement", Israel's first act was to surround the world's largest Concentration Camp (Gaza) with artillery, in an operation ominously called "First Rain".

Think back on the violence doled out by Zionist Extremists whenever someone attempts to pursue a policy they disagree with - especially against other Jews and Israelis - and it's not difficult to imagine how one of them in control of one of those strategically-placced artillery units saw Palestinians enjoying "their" beach, and decided to end their fun.

Minds that pathologically warped by hatred wouldn't foresee the backlash, since they do not view the Palestinians as people ...

Zionism, Irrelevant Within A Generation