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Time for an Inquiry into London Bombings

anti-psyop | 14.06.2006 17:24 | Analysis | Education | Repression | London | World

As we approach the first anniversary of the bombings in London which claimed fifty six lives and injured over seven hundred people, we are still expected to accept the official ‘narrative’ of the events on that day in spite of the fact that it has been proven to be incorrect.

Sir Ian Blair called the investigation into the bombings “the biggest criminal inquiry in English history” yet only three days later Prime Minister Tony Blair refused an inquiry into what happened. On December 15th 2005, then Home Secretary Charles Clarke refused to hold a public inquiry, instead offering a ‘narrative’ (story) about what happened.

There are many inconsistencies with the official version of events, the least of which is that it was originally stated that the four bombers caught the 7.40am train from Luton to Kings Cross that morning but that train was cancelled and all subsequent trains that day were delayed, meaning that the bombers could not have been able to be in place when the bombs went off.

To view the official ‘narrative’ and see why it is impossible, visit



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Non news

16.06.2006 16:39

Offers nothing new; just a pointless rehash of old junk.

Grounhog Dave


16.06.2006 16:44

Just a sad excuse to spam their whacko site.

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