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Civil Rights Defence in County Court protest

pc | 14.06.2006 07:00 | Culture | Repression | Social Struggles | World

A small number of activists staged a protest outside the County Court this morning demanding charges against 13 Melbourne men be dropped...


Michael Pearce from Liberty Victoria
Michael Pearce from Liberty Victoria

Taking photos in the court precincts is forbidden?
Taking photos in the court precincts is forbidden?

AUSTRALIA: MELB: As already mentioned on this site ( 13 Melbourne accused of terror offences are being held on remand in Guantanamo-style conditions at Barwon Prison, in spite of the fact they have not yet been charged, let alone been found guilty of planning or carrying out any terrorist act. A small number of activists from Civil Rights Defence ( staged a protest this morning outside the County Court, to coincide with a committal hearing for the men. Michael Pearce from Liberty Victoria said a few words to the assembled media - unfortunately inaudible from where I was standing due to traffic noise. As if to underline the message of some of the placards, a police officer took the name of one of the activists - for taking photos of the lineup. Apparently it was OK if you worked for Murdoch or whatever, but otherwise ...
