BNP scumbag spotted on Muslim demo.
Kill them all | 12.06.2006 21:16 | Anti-racism | London
London BNP activist Rob Gertner was spotted filming and snapping the muslim demo outside Scotland Yard on SUnday. His footage is possibly for the BNPs website or crap election broadcasts?
Or Redwatch?
Or is he just another Nazi loser who has been recruited by the intelligence services?
Or Redwatch?
Or is he just another Nazi loser who has been recruited by the intelligence services?
Kill them all
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12.06.2006 23:03
Rev Dan
addressing racism
13.06.2006 07:54
What was the real reason for your being at the demo?
What is the difference between a racist who wants ordinary british people out of the country because of their skins color / cultural, or language and you?
Is not your own stance not much more worrying because of what you are advocating?
Less hostility in our reporting would be a lovely thing.
Hopstubbe Mor
13.06.2006 09:19
Photo Opportunity
13.06.2006 11:57
Because of their extremist views would Indymedia be happy to publish photos of them ?
Not a Jew
this is just not right
13.06.2006 12:54
Once again Indymedia Britain adopts an anti Jewish / pro Islamic extremist stance
Original post here
Photo Opportunity
13.06.2006 13:57
Also at the rally was Abd al-Aziiz the so called Servant of The Almighty and Abd al-Aamaan both of whom have called for Jews to be killed as it is the "will of Allah".
Because of their extremist views would Indymedia be happy to publish photos of them ?
Not a Jew
13.06.2006 13:18
Seriously laid
13.06.2006 13:49
Point is, fascist intelligence gathering isn't a harmless activity, it is a precursor to violence. Maybe you don't have any friends featured on RedWatch but I do. They are photographing and cataloging us, we have to respond. Fascism isn't fluffy, and fluffy left-wingers are simply the concentration camp victims of tommorow.
The original post was admirable but perhaps too lame. I repeat, as soon as this git was recognised he should have been identified to the crowd, let the majority decide how to handle him. Speaking as a Christian minister, personally I'd crucify the fucker.
Rev Dan
The answer is obvious- and important
13.06.2006 16:47
Here's where it gets a little complicated. The original arrests occured because of an intelligence operation that used the influence over a particular muslim 'cell' to encourage those people to protest the 'offensive cartoons' with placards containing illegal (even at the time) messages. The press had been pre-warned, and photos of the offending placards (ALL IN THE SAME HAND) were splashed across all of Blair's media outlets. Much public outrage was generated, and 'questions asked' etc, etc.
Much later, there were arrests (and later there will be a high profile trial).
Now the BNP is nothing but a New Reich front, but this only means that Blair's security forces infiltrate and direct the BNP, NOT that every high ranking member is one of Blair's people. Feeling the way that the winfd is blowing, some BNP 'bright bulbs' are thinking that if they shoot photos of future 'muslim' demos, they too might get some 'juicy' incriminating evidence that can be used to persecute their 'dark-skinned' foes. They are too dense to understand that the incriminating evidence only occurs when carefully orchestrated by UK intelligence operations- in which case it will NOT require the BNP to be official observers, since Blair's Mass Media will be well pre-informed first.
Now I notice that the original article and the comments of one person at least make clear reference to acts of illegal violence, which is interesting since such comments aimed at Blair and Bush over the genocide of millions of muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan are regularly hidden by the censors here. Indeed, I have had comments hidden for proposing the LEGAL trial and punishment of Blair for his crimes against humanity. This should make it clear to all of you reading exactly why Blair maintains and uses the BNP. Blair wants a whipping boy, to allow him to get on with his acts of racist mass murder unhindered.
Every anti-BNP article on this site serves the purpose of shielding Blair's daily racist crimes, in the UK, and in Iraq etc. Those that comment encouraging such articles are Blair's New Reich agents, seeking to buy their master a little more time, so that his plan to genocide Iran can reach completion.
ANYONE with any true interest in fighting racism is too busy tracking events in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, and all those other targets of Blair, where literally millions of humans have been murdered for the simple crime of being the 'wrong' 'race'. In his home base, Blair requires that his followers disrupt any and all attempts at targetting Blair, and his sickening racist policies. The BNP, in the scale of things, are nothing but a joke (and I for one would love a world so clean and decent that the BNP were anywhere near the top of the heap of problems worth considering). Blair is anything but a joke, and even today has his man Livingstone shouting foul abuse at those that informed us of the true circumstances of Blair's murder of the Brazilian guy in the underground.
shouldn't this read...
14.06.2006 09:31
Or Respect?
Or is he just another Nazi loser who has been recruited by the intelligence services?
Let's kill everyone
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