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Justice theft of Bible from Queens court provokes protest from Christians .

Zeal for Redemptive Press | 11.06.2006 18:12 | Repression | World

A Saskatchewan de facto Justice Minister is having his aid Tim Williams, an openly admitted homosexual, tell all who ask that there is no law requiring the presence of an authorised letters patent version of the King James Bible in the court rooms in Saskatchewan

A Saskatchewan de facto Justice Minister is having his aid Tim Williams, an openly admitted homosexual, tell all who ask that there is no law requiring the presence of an authorised letters patent version of the King James Bible in the court rooms in Saskatchewan formed in the Christian monarchs name with her picture adorning the walls .

This after the assault, kidnapping and unlawful detention of Minister Karen Ann Macdonald who refused to stand for a de facto provincial judge who is rumoured to be a professed Homosexual, an Albert Lavoie, and another evidentially anti Christian de facto , Brosi Nutting, who refused to provide a authorized King James Bible or admit it was necessary to have a Bible in the court to Minister Macdonald upon repeated requests from her for it's proviison .

Jon Brosi Nutting was the former Chief Judge of the provincial court in Saskatchewan in 1998 and who requested the Bible be removed from all of Saskatchewan’s court rooms in 1998. He was replaced by Gerald Seniuk in 1999 who is the present Chie Judge of the province.

He has provided no comment so far acting as the present Chief judge of the Sasktchewan provincial courts in spite of his awareness of the fact the Queen has been made aware via fax to Windsor Palace.

Frank Quennell the so called de facto Saskatchewan justice minister is also allowing one of his de facto Prosecutors such an Anthony Gerein to profess that the KJV Bible has no sanction in the Saskatchewan courts and that religion has no place in a de facto court of law.

It appears Mr. Gerein, who has a relative sitting on a de facto bench, has no respect for his oath of true allegiance to the Christian Queen likely having taken the Kol Nidre a Jewish oath to disavow all other oaths he may have taken. This seems to be a popular thing to do among those who are within the justice system who are Jewish.

It appears we have a bunch of confessed liars and homosexuals running the whole of the Saskatchewan de facto justice system which presents an imminent and real threat to Christendom, in the world as we know as, and her Majesty’s ability to carry out her coronation oath to defend the laws of God with all of her power.. Minister Macdonald was said to proclaim that "No contempt or hatred is intended for the homosexual union but for the actions by them to have the Bible removed from our ability to exercize our faith in it. and hold it's laws sacred"

Those men and women who lied when they took their oaths to the Christian monarch, herself sworn to defend the laws of God with all of her power, are treasonous impostors and have committed an indelible stain of fraud upon the fabric of society and if allowed will destroy the freedom of faith and it’s application we all possess as is it’s plan.

Homosexuals are not to pleased with the KJV Bible's God Jehovah ,who that declares their lifestyle immoral, and are on a quest with traitorous corrupted lawyers and justice officials to have it 's sanction removed so they are in total commercial control.

This is just another in a long line of atrocities the anti Bible crew are involved in nationwide. Our countries judicial moral and religious foundational structure is being undermined by their immoral treasonous, conscious, and illicit efforts to remove the Bible and declare themselves as god.

Minister Karen Ann Macdonald is a Christian minister of the Church of Ecumenical Redemption International that stands for the principles of the King James Bible, as defended by Elizabeth Mary Alexander Windsor, and it's brotherhood will not bow to or stand for, nor answer, to a court that is not formed with the sanction of that Letters patent King James Bible.

Minister Karen Ann Macdonald ,as of her faith and beliefs in God's first command, will also not respect the “Person” ( James 2:9) of a man or woman that does not understand the meaning of their oath to God to be truly allegiant to a Christian monarch.
Contending, that if they do not, it is impossible for them to be truly allegiant and that as a result it provides clear evidence they lied to get their job . It also provides evidence they have committed a breach of trust and fraud upon her majesty and are acting as a false god.

Minister Karen Ann Macdonald is also accused of having abducted her Children to save them from a apparently confessed child abuser a John Kwok whom these named justice officials are frightfully aware of via his posted world notice confession and seemingly support his atrocious activity.

Minister Karen Ann Macdonald cites the Westminster Confession of faith from 1646 chapter 22 and 24 as the source of mans law that is still in force that applies to all of her majesty’s allegiants but is being flagrantly ignored by them in defiance of their sworn oaths for apparently evident reasons.

“I will not submit to false god’s or their courts” “You are obstructing a Christian Minister” ( Section 423 ,180, and 176 of the Canadian criminal code) offered Macdonald when being forcibly removed from the court to be assessed for a thirty day mental evaluation ordered by Brosi Nutting a professed anti Bible Zealot and the former Supreme Court Justice in Saskatchewan who proferred to remove the Bible from all of the Saskatchewan courts in 1998. We have found this pertinent fact out thanks to a freedom of information request by the CBC.

Minister Karen Ann Macdonald is being unlawfully held in North Battleford Forensic Unit incummunicado until we can find enough awakened Christian's that are willing to stand to effect her release.

A lawful writ of Habeas Corpus was filed with the
private man acting as the de facto Minister of Justice, a Frank Quennell and his de facto prosecutors as well as de facto Head judge Gerald Seniuk and all the head correctional officers of the various detainment facilities last Wednesday but was ignored, rejected and denied by him to bring Minister Macdonald before a court of competent Jurisdiction to evaluate the validity of her detainment.

The plan by the proud (pro)intruding and professing homosexual union that seems to run and has overtaken the Saskatchewan legal system is to totally remove the Bible and declare it as hate legislation. This move can and will undermine the whole justice system US and Canada wide and is banking on the fact that no Christian group will rise to the defense of Minister Karen Ann Macdonald and the Bible….The sad part is they are probably right in this anaemic Christian world of "Lets talk about God but not walk with him”

Antislavery reporter "Zeal"

for Redemptive Press

Blessings upon any help you may feel compelled to offer

Please call the justice departments in your own communities and The Saskatchewan Justice Ministers name Frank Quennell number and email is

(306) 787-8824 Fax: 787-1232

Gordon L. Barnhart
Office of the Lieutenant Governor
Government House
4607 Dewdney Avenue
Regina, Saskatchewan

Phone: (306) 787-4070
Fax: (306) 787-7716

Zeal for Redemptive Press
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Hide the following 8 comments

The actual writ that was sent to the Queen at home in Windsor Castle.l

11.06.2006 18:36

Minister Macdonald's writ of Habeus Corpus
Minister Macdonald's writ of Habeus Corpus

I pray that more than a few who value that Bible will stand for it's honor and make the appropriate immediate diligent enquiries as it is being challenged!!

Zeal for Redemptive press

Homosexual envy

11.06.2006 18:55

What's yer problem Zeal ? Jesus wasn't only a poof, he was a Jewish poof. And you worship him, probably because you want to 'love all men' too. Good luck with that.


Gays support their own

11.06.2006 20:39

It appears we have a Poof in support of false accusations against the Savior and redeemer.

It takes all kinds of adversity to get one to close the doors to doom and thanks to responses like this we can see the efforts to rationalise gay power over the Bible is showing.

Thanks for revealing your choice in the afterlife.



12.06.2006 15:27

Whether I'm gay or not is none of your business, since it makes no odds to anyone. You however are a homophobe, which is a serious matter. Funny how it's always a small step from bible-bashing to gay-bashing. Burn the witch !!


Defend the Bible

12.06.2006 18:16

I follow that Bible not the opinions of men and money masters. You seem to follow the opinions of men. Your choice but know this the Bible is the last vestage of honor in the justice systemj and once gone you will be at the total service of rich and corrupted men who own those courts.

No sexual perefernce will save you from the King of the castle game. The only rule historically that has prevented absolute commercial slavery is that Bible and it's commands.. If you have more faith in corrupted money ruled men,,,,,then that faith and your trust in the hearts of corrupted men will be your downfall and destruction.

We all make choices....I provide facts to go along with mine..

What are your facts that say removal of the Bible putting men in absolute control is better?


Religion for the hell of it

12.06.2006 19:48

Isn't it strange that the infallible word of god can be roundly ridiculed by mere comedians for it's obviously fallible and flawed morality ? But since you believe anything in the bible, how about selling me your daughter ? I'll offer you £50 for her.

"Which reminds me, there's a couple of things I need a little guidance on... firstly, if I wanted to sell my daughter into slavery as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7, how much could I expect to make from such a deal?
Also, the newspaper business being what it is, my colleague Pete sometimes insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2 clearly says he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself? Or is it okay to get some outside help?
Lastly, does the whole city really have to be together to stone my brother John for planting different crops side by side? And when, as it instructs in the ‘Christian Handbook’, I burn my mother for wearing garments made from two different threads. Do I torch her whole or just a bit?"

- Jeremy Hardy

"Fundamentalist Christians believe the world is 12,000 years old. Let’s just think about that. Isn’t that great? And I ask them how do you think that, why do you think the world is 12,0000 years old. They go:
[rube] Well, we added up all the people born from Adam and Eve, added up their ages. Roughly 12,000 years. [/rube]
How scientific. I can’t fucking argue with that kind of research.
You think the world is 12,000 years old?
[rube] That’s right. [/rube]
Okay. Can I ask you a question?
[rube] Sure. [/rube]
It’s a one-word question.
[rube] Fine. [/rube]
I mean, if the world is 12,000 years old, and the Bible covers it, why didn’t someone bring up fucking dinosaurs? You think someone would have brought that up somewhere in the god damn book.
“And Jesus and his disciples walked down the path towards Nazareth, but oh, the trail was blocked by a giant brontosaurus. With a splinter in his paw. And the disciples did run a-screaming, “What a big fucking lizard, Lord.”
“I’m sure going to mention this in my book,” said Luke.
“Well, I’m, sure going to mention it my book,” said Matthew.
“I’m not sure what I saw, “ said Thomas.
Timothy nudged him. “It was a big fucking lizard, Thomas.”
“But Jesus was unafraid, and he took the splinter from the brontosaurus’ paw. And the brontosaurus became his friend. And Jesus sent him to Scotland, where he lived in a loch, oh, so many years, attracting fat fucking American families with their fat fucking dollars to look for the Loch Ness monster.
“And oh, the Scots did praise him, “Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord.”
12,0000 years old.
I asked this, “Come on, man, what about dinosaur fossils? What’s the deal?” He goes, “God put those here to test our faith.” I think God put him here to test my faith, dude. I think I figured this out.
That’s what this guy said. Does that bother anyone here, the idea that God might be fucking with our heads? Anyone having problems resting peacefully with that thought in their head?"

-Bill Hicks

"A disciple is an asshole searching for a body to latch on to"
- Robert Anton Wilson


Damn you all !!

12.06.2006 22:57

The Right Reverend Dan of the Universal Life Church
The Right Reverend Dan of the Universal Life Church


I now outrank you, I'm a Reverend since we last spoke. As much a minister as Ian Paisley ever was anyway, all legit and above board. So kiss my ring.

Now which Church is it that'll make me a Pope again ?

Reverend Dan

Fake churches obedient to their owners

23.06.2006 16:09

The Universal life Church is owned by the owners of the registry that was entered into by those who failed to check up on who owns the Universal Life Church. It is a fake de facto Church!!

It is governed by the laws of those who are the creditors for the United States where that Church is registered.

Our Church is not registered with nor governed by the laws of men.

Bible bashing and promoting of mans law seems popular among the immoral unless this Bible basher has a better set of laws to govern those who may steal his car or rape his wife if he has one that is female.

These laws are incoruptable while the men and women they are to govern are totally corrupted like spoiled children they do nto want anyone telling them what to do especially homosexuals and their deviant lifestle involving hamsters and concrete.

We only have to see the sexual habits of some of these Bible bashers to know why they are bashing good morallly based law.

They are deviant and sexually depraved and the Bible focuses on that and makes it clear their lifestyle will result in a poor afterlife..

They are made to feel guilty by the good book and they do not like that.

I am extremely offended at the push by these stool chasers to remove God's word from the courts and hope there are more than a few probing proctologists who will complain at the treason that is transpiring and put a permanent plug in the odorific homosexual orifice of gay times.

Seems the focus of their pleasure really stinks and it is hoped some will realise there are more natural places to put your organs and that nature designed us with that in mind. The smell should be enough to cause those with noses to stop and question what they are doing.

Yet we will still see the morally uneducated post here in defiance of nature and logic accumulated as most who have no knowledge will continue to try and relieve their depraved and filthy choices of where to stick their members.

A meat grinder may be suggested as a suitable place for those who feel the smell of outhouses as sexually alluring and exciting.

Sure saves the use of medication for aids later.

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