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"Suicides ;Act of War' " - US Military definition.

Ilyan | 11.06.2006 17:37

So there is a war, and Guantanamo now contains Prisoners of War, and Mr George Bush should be on trial for Breach of Geneva Conventions..

Support the Military. Impeach Bush.



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Sucide is anti muslim

11.06.2006 22:59

Suicide goes against the muslim teachings, it is unthinkable that a very religious persorn would even contemplate it unless they think it is not suicie what they are doing.
ie.suicide bombers would be in this category


"Suicides 'Act of War'" - US Military definition- Crime and Punishemnt.

12.06.2006 08:39

Well Jamal, Are you questioning whether it was suicide? We can be pretty sure that the Military Authorites will make a very exhausive investigation If they find evidence of local murder, there will be prosecutions of Army personel.

But in view of what you say, then the conditions deliberately imposed by the Politicians on the Prisoners are so severe the Moslem resistance to suicide has been overcome. Bush, and White Rice, and the others who are showing stomach for such continuing outrage shold be on trial for murder.

The Military man, Colin Powell abandoned his political career. Probably because as a conscientious soldier, the conflict of loyalties was more than he could cope with.

We saw how corrupt the US Supreme Cout is back in the Florida chads, so there is little hope of justice from that source. We must now wait to see if the Hague Court of International Justice will act to prove that it is not just a tool of the western Imperialists.

I do not think it will. It is up to Moslems everywhere to see that the agents of Satan who have taken over the West are stopped before they destroy God's Creation. It is very easy. Turn Off The Oil. Those Leaders who do not are not true Moslems

It is no good using that threat just to close Guantanamo. It is a necessity to completely stop the pollution that poisons the planet.

The headline should be: "Suicides 'Act of War'" - US Military definition." the semi colon was mistyped.
