To ignore truth is to invite insanity.
David Arthur Johnston | 10.06.2006 16:41 | Free Spaces
To ignore truth is to invite insanity.
At NOON on TUESDAY, JUNE 27th, 2006, I will be returning to St. Ann’s Academy (the Ministry of Advanced Education at 835 Humboldt St, Victoria BC) with the intent of inspiring a tent-city to be born. I’ve hopes of bringing the catalyst that either forces the courts to acknowledge that conscientiousness transcends the ‘rule of law’ or falls the government of Canada intoto.
Right now, in Canada, no person has the right to sleep in any public access space as there is no such thing as public property. The court’s current mandate is to avoid anarchy even if it means ignoring justice.
In an inclusive community there is much opportunity for angels to practice. Anarchy is not the horror that the conventional preach, instead it could be viewed as a 24/7 job that saves the world from the lies that make us suicidally retarded. Yes, there will be craziness and it will be confronted with love’s efficiency. Every moment will be dealt with as it comes. That is ‘anarchy’- living with the presumption that, by nature, we are a compassionate soul. Armed with patience we find there is no hole too deep to climb out of.
There is no evil, as there is nothing but God/‘the infinite 4-dimensional fractal singularity that perceives itself through life’. May we present gentleness and patience to those who would condemn us to perpetual discomfort. May we view all anger as a frantic confusion that happens when we don’t know what to do. May we have patience and forgiveness with ourselves. May we accept that sadness has its place in reminding us of happiness.
The police’s mandate is to enforce the status quo of an exclusive and established colonial monster. They enact goodness to justify their brutality. Do not be deceived by them. Do not give them authority. Forgive them for they know not what they do.
Come and taste true freedom. Patience be with us all.
David Arthur Johnston - Victoria, BC, Canada -
Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann’s Academy (Victoria, BC, Canada)-
At NOON on TUESDAY, JUNE 27th, 2006, I will be returning to St. Ann’s Academy (the Ministry of Advanced Education at 835 Humboldt St, Victoria BC) with the intent of inspiring a tent-city to be born. I’ve hopes of bringing the catalyst that either forces the courts to acknowledge that conscientiousness transcends the ‘rule of law’ or falls the government of Canada intoto.
Right now, in Canada, no person has the right to sleep in any public access space as there is no such thing as public property. The court’s current mandate is to avoid anarchy even if it means ignoring justice.
In an inclusive community there is much opportunity for angels to practice. Anarchy is not the horror that the conventional preach, instead it could be viewed as a 24/7 job that saves the world from the lies that make us suicidally retarded. Yes, there will be craziness and it will be confronted with love’s efficiency. Every moment will be dealt with as it comes. That is ‘anarchy’- living with the presumption that, by nature, we are a compassionate soul. Armed with patience we find there is no hole too deep to climb out of.
There is no evil, as there is nothing but God/‘the infinite 4-dimensional fractal singularity that perceives itself through life’. May we present gentleness and patience to those who would condemn us to perpetual discomfort. May we view all anger as a frantic confusion that happens when we don’t know what to do. May we have patience and forgiveness with ourselves. May we accept that sadness has its place in reminding us of happiness.
The police’s mandate is to enforce the status quo of an exclusive and established colonial monster. They enact goodness to justify their brutality. Do not be deceived by them. Do not give them authority. Forgive them for they know not what they do.
Come and taste true freedom. Patience be with us all.
David Arthur Johnston - Victoria, BC, Canada -

Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann’s Academy (Victoria, BC, Canada)-

David Arthur Johnston