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. . . . to REMEMBER : does that help ????

x | 10.06.2006 15:54

( in-brief Q/A re: the 11 / 11 commemorations +
the Remember the eleventh of every month campaign. )

+ latest info . . . . as of 11/6/6. . . . + further comment

it commences with a bunch of flowers. . . .

THE CENOTAPH.... from a saluting platform on the post-WWI summer celebration procession, manufactured from timber, to the permanent, in-your-face reminder, "stuck in traffic" right outside the F.O, Downing Street + the war office/ MoD, the centre of a campaign to remember each + every casualty was all due to . . . .
The mourning after the parade . . . . the " unknown soldier " saluting platform", in Whitehall, was one of many, many saluting platforms all across London . Perhaps the key thing about it was what it didnt have - any religious symbols at all, except a wreath, to represent what the designer referred to as " those of all religions and none" - people of all spiritual sorts, + those that didnt think there was a "spiritual" -at all. The "Great War" had tested a lot of faiths - in humanity itself, too. But as the sun came up, something had gotten added to the design.
A small bunch of flowers. . . .
. . . . the soldier could have come from any country in the commonwealth, either side, in fact - so, from anywhere. . . .
Then a bunch of flowers got added to that first bunch of flowers. . . .
. . . . during the war, people in south africa had taken to stopping for a few minutes, at noon, wherever they found themselves, as much out of showing sympathy with the people at home that worried, or had lost fathers, sons, brothers - - - - or daughters. ( the new addition to Whitehall, at last, remembers that, too )
Then . . . . further bunches of flowers . . . .
. . . . the kids in the Flanders region of the front that had lost both parents in the bombings caused the first "red poppies" to get created (- the idea sprang from a poem writ by a medic in those trenches, in the midst of the "second battle of the somme" ) - in London, after the "second world war", the gardens at "St. James" in Piccadilly were laid out to remember the civilians that had died in the bombings, but for some time the nearest to a commemoration of the Londons "WW1" civilian casualties was the plaque on the righthand sphinx of "Cleopatra's needle" , by the side of the Thames, with gardens - the plaque is incorrect in as much as the first bombs fell in march, 1915, but that " 'round about midnight " mention was all there was for ages . . . .
other bunches of flowers . . . . the flowersellers ran out. . . .
. . . . the YWCA secretary spread the "poppies" idea, it was taken up by the womens co-op guilds, it meant some different things to different people, but it meant REMEMBER to everybody
the streets of whitehall were blocked to traffic by the "mobs" that quietly brought flowers . . . . the press wrote reports . . . . politicians that wanted to get a picture taken there had to queue too. . . .
The idea was "preposterous. A PERMANENT structure ?
THERE ? An EYESORE ! A thing, yes, but smaller, out of the way - a cul-de-sac perhaps. THERE its a . . . . hazard to traffic. Its a DISRUPTION to the ordered continuation of business as usual ." Even if the French WERE commemorating the moment when The Great War ended, a year after, the entire idea was " ridiculous absurd nonsense ". . . .
people kept coming. . . . pressure grew . . . .LOTS of flowers. . . . "Clear that rubbish away" said some Functionary or other. . . . they did . . . . but the NEXT mourning. . . . YES.YOU GUESSED.
". . . . that all locomotion should cease. . . ." The South African Commissioner had brought the idea back, a journalist had written about it, the "cabinet", prompted by the ministerial Assistants had cut the time from three minutes to a single minute, but the king put it back up to two. The Proclamation , to some extent, reflected public opinion . . . .
POPPIES . . . .

. . . . the cenotaph remains, a sore thumb, a reminder, "in yer face" - celebrating wasnt adequate - "out of place" in Whitehall as St. Pauls is "out of place" in the City of London,
with similar Xs all over the country, whether opposite the "bchtl" in Euston, or opposite the old "enrn" place at the roundabout south of Hyde Park. . . . the Silence is back up to two minutes. . . . a larger number of poppies get sold than ever. . . . ( red + white ) - people are less easy to twist against each other in these years - but
then the "pauses" are wasted ....

but they are not wasted.

so, when the house of Lords gets to debate the " eyesore " across the road . . . . + why . . . .



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12.06.2006 16:00

. . . . (google) " 2 REMEMBER THE SCAMS ".
. . . .


remember YES WE CAN . . . .

12.06.2006 17:22

. . . . having seen that, it is quite different to look at the large Crime-a war memorial outside the IOD + the "oakpanelled rooms" of st. james, as it holds out the four wreaths towards them,
it seems to have more effect than that "smoking rocket" that was outside a couple of months ago EVER did.

hmmm. That ISNT a rhetorical question, so take that "wistful sigh" to use the breath to more effect. Lets all get very cynical, very informed, - to the extent that we are very cynical about the "cynicism" too - if it means a shrug, or looking away.
The "safe, away from the Front" place is the myth, in these times. . . .
The idea that the consequences of the con sequences happen to others, in a "faraway" place, at... some point in the far future(?) has gotten replaced with the harsh realpolitik of
I M M I N E N C E . The further informed you are, the larger is the number of ways you can see the house of cards topple. FACT.

. . . . assume a lot of "infowar" covers up the "good" news with further effort, even, than it covers up the crimes, bungles or profiteer "rake offs".

The world seems to have gotten accustomed to undergoing the disrupting effects of changing society to "war footing", perhaps if we are as serious about having that large, tactful discussion, trying to see that "radical" change doesnt mean dropping so me of a "fixed amount" of stress on a different bunch of people - it AINT a "zero-sum game", so perhaps the sort of people that've created or sustained some of the "blank spots" in the way we look at society - amongst others - can do what they can about at least alerting the world to what the dangers ARE, + a few of the ways peoples expectations about what we can do have gotten diminished. Sort of "
. . . . warwhatisitgoodfor - wasalwaysabitofastupidquestion. HaveyouseentheSTATS!!!!
$£$£ PERHAPS theweirdthingistheideathatthathasntdistortedEVERYTHINGelsetoo sothe "asydo", or "asymight" explanations can move things in a good direction if you wire the world up a different way, so to speak, 'cos at present itswiredfordestructionwithalotof unintentionaltremblertripwiresthatmostpeoplehaventanyIDEAabout . . . . but, yes - a wholelotta. Serious. WORDS - PLAYS - TO ALLOW THINKING. . . .

. . . . SO . . . . IF people put SOME of that sort of info up here, y'gonna push it to the sort of places it can do good . . . . + think about WHAT SORT of "big change" you want.
Some of us are taking the effort to shake off our "programming" - if a couple aint, the "inertia" factor could screw everything up. Some people should think about putting some old friendships to the test - with some straight "talking", at least.
wonderful world - sometimes, at least.
stupid to blow it - p e o p l e CAN. . . .

never forget

google back from threads

16.06.2006 18:55

also from ". . . .x" , "---- x ____x " ( comments on the beach report ) indymedia main piece, midjune06


censorship, distortion - if mesmerism exists, couple of "triggers"- for a few

10.11.2007 16:30

crept into the text - couple of those comments - bits missed too - tales of the past etc.
might pay off to check out old "PHOTOS_OF_THE_WEB" (techy-types comprehend).

re the "triggers" - dont worry too much about it -= if the rest of the text sounds odd, its PERHAPS due to the fact that it SOUNDS as if somebody is trying to type it WITHOUT a few of the most frequent trigger-types for different bunches of people - it aint "fatal" for them either, but, there IS something to all that weird "MKULTRASTUFF", so if it means its easier for a SINGLE extra person to look through - thats a good thing.
Hey, for all we get told, its possible that LOADS of people got a BIT "programmed" with different things - but it seems that some peoples experience of that sort of thing says it aint that hard to shake off or break out of when you try - or when you dont (! IT FADES !) - seeing as it needs loads of different factors to combine for it to have much effect - people dont go complete cy borg THAT easy but that the biggest "problem for society" in it is its peripheral affect over people that "dont think it affects them at all" , or setting people up as patsies to THINK they are doing things they aint.

Sound weird? Yep, but it aint THAT complex if ALL of it is a fact - dont let it throw you.
"In case" is a good attitude in the defuse of all these sort of situations, when phrases such as "cut-out" or "double-bubble", blowback or "plausible denial" stretch your wits on a GOOD day.

We ARE talking about the leakage of a few bits of dodgy old techniques, with some dodgier (MUCH N EW ER - but fallible) tech, from "secret"world to dreary bunch-of-scams-criminal sh**.

hindsight - but also seeing comments texts got messed about with. mmmm