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Why the UK press are mistaken about Blair's cronyist act for Minister's wife

AADHIKARdaily | 09.06.2006 06:43 | Education | London

UK Home Office minister Tony McNulty's wife Christine Gilbert is controversially in the news today [Friday 9 June 2006] over her appointment to head OFSTED, the English schools 'inspectorate' quango. There is more to that appointment than just the Blairing cronyism. Christine Gilbert has been ‘chief executive’ in the East London Borough of Tower Hamlets Council. She has really messed things up for the people in that role. Christine needed salvaging for two reasons - one her wrongful role in promoting the Crossrail hole Bill attacks on the East End and her utterly incompetent or pro-corruption role in allowing the massive votes theft, fraud and abuses at the recent Coucnil elections held 4 May 2006 and at the general election held on 5 May 2005.

Read the exclusive news and commentaries only the Manufacture of Christine Gilbert

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Tory David Willets is wrong on Christien Gilbert - people alone are safeguards

09.06.2006 11:26

Tory David Willets has been quoted in the Daily Telegraph as saying that Christine Gilbert should be judged on the results. That is as daft as it can be in the circumstances. What results? What if the 'results' are not acceptable? What good is it when the bad rsesulst have affected the 'education' of so many?

Why not use the RESULTS that are already known of what Christine Gilbert has done to the children and parents in Tower Hamlets?

Why not listen to the people in Tower Hamlets who have fought running battles with Christine Gilbert and her kitchen cabinet?

On all key issues, tower Hamlets Council ahs been veering away from the main population and is constantly flouting the constitution and the democratic mandates to make the Council available to the Tories.

Is that perhaps the reason why the allegedly double-brained Willets has spoken as if he doesn’t even posses half a brain let alone two brains?

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