Greece: Students attacked by police
doesitmatter | 08.06.2006 15:24 | Education | Repression | Social Struggles | World
The huge student demonstration that took place in Athens, Greece this morning was violently attacked by the police.
The huge student demonstration that took place in Athens, Greece this morning was violently attacked by the police. The whole city centre was full of tear gas that the police threw to breakup the students and you can hardly breathe. The police attacked peaceful demonstrators, in many cases 18 year old girls were hit repeatedly with clubs and whoever tried to help them got the same. Many people were arrested without any cause and beaten up badly even after their arrest and while they were carried to the police vehicles. The police also attacked corporate media cameramen who were filming the beatings. This is not a case of a couple of injures but of hundreds of wounded students. Tens of ambulances had to take them into hospitals. Unfortunately the police usually follow the ambulances and arrests the hospitalized people. A group of neo-nazi / patriots which is known that are in good terms with the police, helped on the attacks against the students. Police is everywhere and people are still haunted, beaten and arrested.
The corporate media talks about a small number of anarchists attacking the police and that the police only took defending actions but the truth is that the police attacked the whole demonstrations of dozens of thousand people.
These events are taking place right now, more news to come soon.
Sorry for any mistakes, I wrote this down in a big hurry.
In more detail (greek only):
The corporate media talks about a small number of anarchists attacking the police and that the police only took defending actions but the truth is that the police attacked the whole demonstrations of dozens of thousand people.
These events are taking place right now, more news to come soon.
Sorry for any mistakes, I wrote this down in a big hurry.
In more detail (greek only):
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not being mean
08.06.2006 16:53
Latest News:
08.06.2006 17:13
More photos of the demonstration and the clashes:
reply to "a"
08.06.2006 17:34
I must say again, the police did not just attack the violent block. Their intention was not to breakup this block but demonstration in whole. For many hours they kept haunting and attacking peaceful groups and individuals around the city centre. Students had to run inside buildings and stores to save themselves and the police threw teargas in closed places like arcades, where innocent people were (even mothers with their babys, imagine that).
thank you
08.06.2006 19:32
yes, it's very easy for me to sit here and think about the pointlessness of violence on any side, but the photos you published (smiling policemen, doomed attacking 'anarchists') made me wonder why on earth everyone isn't dressed in white and sitting down. the situation sounds horrible. thank you for being there to witness it and taking the time to reply. and take care of yourself.
peaceful...oh yeah
09.06.2006 12:40
09.06.2006 14:10
Er, yes.
"Some of them have never been in a demo before".
Er, so?
"But those who know the way the police behave were prepared, having tear gas masks etc."
And, in the case of some, stout wooden sticks.
My reaction is not emotionless, no. The reports and sights of this violence are sickening and upsetting. But if the police started off by attacking a crowd of entirely peaceful demonstrators, then this should be made clear. If the police started attacking students who were trying to push through their lines, like the Wombles, this should be made clear. If the students were acting in the defence of the occupied universities, then this should be made clear.
In fact, even the photos you published seem to show that the police were attacked by a group of people at the front of the march. The police, doubtless to the delight of the authorities, then had the impetus to counter-attack, at which point the photos seem to show the flag waving baton wielding masked people running away, leaving the police to rampage through the city, with the results we have all seen.
I agree that in many countries the police need to excuse at all to tear gas and attack peaceful protestors. And it is a crime, as is the Greek police's current behaviour..But are you trying to stop the violence, or are you just trying to "win"?
What have you achieved in England?
12.06.2006 11:43
12.06.2006 17:25
'Cops' are not a symbol of domination, they are real people. Saying that you will burn them makes you as bad as the worst cop. You ask what we've achieved in England. At least we have less hate and fury, though more grief and sadness and disaster, it is true. What have you achieved with your violence apart from fear, destruction, the teargassing of mothers and children, and the chance to work off your aggression? You are lucky no-one got killed (but secretly you would probably have liked that to happen, as it would make the 'other side' look worse than you.) It is tragic, when people in Iraq are really suffering and dying, that you divert your energies in this way. In fact, with your outdated "hippy liberal scum" abuse, you could get a job with the authorities yourself, now I come to think about it. Some policemen would definitely agree with you on that one.
You can't win with prayers
13.06.2006 09:18
Finally, with regard to the educational law all the fuss is about, the government (today)decided not to put it in force now but to discuss it again and to decide in October due to the public pressure (80-90% of the unis are occupied). But what do you know from collective struggles up there in England? What have you achieved? Yes, a nice car, a blonde slut and 10 days vacation in Spain. Piss off.