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South African Mercenary Boonzaaier to be released

Dr. Alexander von Paleske | 07.06.2006 15:06 | Anti-militarism | Globalisation

Equatorial Guinea releases failed coup plotter, mercenary and Ex South African apartheid Reconnaissance commando man Marius "Bones" Boonzaaier

The South African Foreign Ministry has announced, that Marius “Bones” Boonzaaier has been pardoned by Equatorial Guinea’s President Obiang Mbsaogo Ngumea on humanitarian grounds because of severe illness.

Who is this “Bones” Boonzaaier?
Boonzaaier was a member of the apartheid South African terror- and destruction gangs called Reconnaissance Commandos, “Recce”.
The trail of murderous destructions of these Recce gangs in Zimbabwe, Botswana, Angola, Zambia, Tanzania, Lesotho, Swaziland, and Mozambique from 1969 to 1994 is beyond belief.

Boonzaaier participated as corporal in Recce attacks in Angola in the 70s.
He was later promoted to Sergeant Major..

In 1976 under the command of Major Charl Naude, their Recce gang attacked in Zambia the SWAPO base at Shatowa, killing 190 freedom fighters in their huts.
Later on Charl Naude described this as “culling” (See Peter Stiff, Silent War 1999, page 226).

Charl Naude was to become a leading officer in the Project Barnacle, later renamed Civil Cooperation Bureau, an apartheid South African death squad that can take credit for countless extra judicial killings inside and outside South Africa in the 80s including the murdering of hundreds of captured SWAPO freedom fighters with poison, delivered allegedly by South Africa's Dr. Mengele by the name of Dr. Wouter Basson and the bodies thrown out of an airplane over the Atlantic Ocean.

Charl Naude,later on, at least expressed some regret unlike Boonzaaier and Recce officers like Jan Breytenbach, who is now employed by Bulelani Ngcuka, former Scorpion’s boss and husband of Deputy President Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka in his Amabubesi Trust.

Boonzaaier was arrested in Malabo, the capital city of Equatorial Guinea, on 4th March 2004. He was part of an attempted coup to oust the government of Equatorial Guinea, the third largest oil producer in Africa. He was in 2005 sentenced to 17 years in prison.

The coup leader allegedly was Simon Mann, old Etonian , now in prison in Zimbabwe, serving a four year prison term for illegally buying weapons of war allegedly to be used in that failed coup.
And not to forget Mark Thatcher, who was sentenced to a suspended prison term and a fine more than a year ago in South Africa for “unwittingly” supporting the failed coup.

Further allegedly involved a slew of British politicians and businessmen including

- Lord Archer, former Chairman of the Conservative Party, sentenced for perjury and perverting the course of justice and spent a few years in prison

- Eli Calil, Lebanese businessman in London and friend of Peter Mandelson, EU Trade commissioner.

- Greg Wales, accountant, businessman and friend of the Thatcher family

- David Hart, friend of the Thatcher family and chief enforcer during the British coal miners strike in the 80s.. He handed out money for strike breakers from a hotel suite at Claridges.

- Tony Buckingham, former owner of mercenary company Sandline and founder of
and director in the oil company Heritage Oil.

- Last not least former British Conservative Party Vice Chairman Howard Flight.

Dr. Alexander von Paleske
Head, Department of Oncology
Princess Marina Hospital
Ex-Barrister-at-Law, High Court Frankfurt (M), Germany

Dr. Alexander von Paleske
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