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Stop the Yorkshire Ruddy Duck Cull!

NARN | 07.06.2006 13:28 | Animal Liberation | Ecology | Sheffield

The Yorkshire Wildlife Trust & DEFRA are conducting culls of the ruddy ducks on their nature reserves in Yorkshire.

The local ornothology group at Filey Dam Nature Reserve, one where a cull is happening, lease the land from the YWT and are responsible for all the management. The YWT have gone behind their backs and not even told them about the cull! The ornothology club are totally opposed, and the local wildlife officer from the police force didn't even beleive the cull was happening!
Please contact the YWT management and voice your disgust. They are supposed to be protecting animal, not killing them:

Yorkshire Wildlife Trust,
1 St George's Place,
York, YO24 1GN.
Tel: 01904 659570
Fax: 01904 613467

The Potteric Carr Field Centre
Tel: 01302 364152



Michael Krause (Acting Chief Executive)

Carolyn Vickery (Senior Development Officer)

Neil Aldridge (Development Officer)

David Bryant (Membership Secretary)

Doreen Berriman (Finance Manager)


Conservation Staff:

Louise Wilkinson (Land Use & Wildlife Policy Manager)

Robert Masheder (Senior Conservation Officer)

Sylvia Jay (Water for Wildlife Officer - North Yorkshire)

Brian Lavelle (Water for Wildlife Officer - West & South Yorkshire)

Jon Traill (Water for Wildlife Officer - East Yorkshire)



David Hargreaves (Nature Reserves Manager)

Simon Leigh Hunt

Caroline Thorogood (Nature Reserves Officer)

Andrew Gibson

Peter Christopherson

Ione Bareau (Nature Reserves Officer)

Elizabeth Round

Gordon Scaife

Katherine O'Brien

Gillian Roach
Mob: 07798 641 868

Don Vine
Mob: 07818 403138

Tony Martin
Mob: 07968 125508

Elizabeth Hardcastle

James Ferguson (Potteric Carr Operations Manager)

Helen Kirk

Jackie Scott

Pete Jones

Andy Cochrane


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DISCLAIMER: NARN do not encourage any illegal activities, or abusive contact, against those listed. Nothing in any NARN publications is intended to encourage or incite anyone to conduct activites which break the law.

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Display the following 7 comments

  1. ruddy charming — sandy
  2. action required.. — white rabbit
  3. More details please.... — Radioheadache
  4. ruddy ducks — unguided
  5. Conservation Nazis — Tim
  6. 'Unclear' — white rabbit
  7. ruddy duck issue and conservation v bunny hugging — conservationist