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Activists imprisoned in America video

Animal liberation human evolution | 07.06.2006 01:29 | Animal Liberation | Repression | World

Rattle the Cage Productions just completed a short video on the recent SHAC 7 conviction. The video is intended to spark an interest in those who are unaware of the appalling erosion of free speech in this country ((USA)) and to inform the average American ((and the world)) of the plight of the SHAC 7.

The current format of the video is on You Tube, but will be available shortly for downloading at . Use it as a tool for fundraising and tabling events.

To see the video Americas .. 1 Terrorists, visit:

To learn more about the SHAC 7 visit:

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You can't have your cake and eat it

12.06.2006 18:01

Either - protest peacefully and accept that you can't go around attacking people's homes and invading their privacy OR put up a website and encourage violence. but you can't put up your website, and then cry foul when they put your arse in prison for BREAKING THE LAW.


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um yeah ok

13.06.2006 12:09

Vid looks good!!

BTW, do you really feel the hundreds of people involved in SHAC are all gay/lesbian? Or are you scraping right through the bottom of the barrel with such an idiotic email address?

Just wondering.


Words are "violence" by Shaquilia=The Huntingdon Death Unsciences, Spokesperson.

13.06.2006 14:46

The charge against shac usa activists is "terrorism",yet the specific activists who have been charged with "terrorism" have'nt hurt or killed anyone,the definition of terrorism has been expanded to protect corporations,from losing money.

Inciting "violence" is the Shaquilia claim,this implys that human society is nonviolent and that the "animal rights extremists" are just disturbing the peaceful environment,what about the routine violence done to individual beagle dogs,primates,mice,guinea pigs,pigs,deers inside HLS? Oh know that is "research",thus "noble" and a "humanitarian practice".

Shaqulia,why don't you start up an organization called "car rights" or "home rights" because you care more about inanimate objects than you do of individual beings.


yeah it's the barrel

13.06.2006 15:20

"Or are you scraping right through the bottom of the barrel with such an idiotic email address"
Dude, i've scraped through the barrel and i've got tarmac under my fingernails. On the other hand though, the BBC did rule that "Gay" can be used to mean "Lame" or "Rubbish":

so feel free to read it as "Shac is rubbish". That clear it up for you? :)

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PS - Tim

13.06.2006 15:20

Tim mate, i've been in HLS, i've seen the animals, I know what goes on in there and you are all the victims of a LOT of misinformation.

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The Undercover investigations Inside HLS Are Just Animal Rights Mirages

14.06.2006 09:19

"You are the victims of a LOT of misinformation",what "misinformation" would that be? The documented undercover investigations(over 5times) showing blatant animal cruelty and scientific fraud,are they just Hollywood Special Effects,Shaquilia?

You've been inside HLS,How did you get the priviledge? Are you one of those beagle punching and primate stabing white coats?

Please everyone the documented undercover investigations inside HLS,according to Shaquilia,are just animal rights mirages,they never happened,and the animals really enjoy themselves, being assaulted,pumped full of chemicals,stabed with knifes,chemically gassed,shuved into walls and killed,honestly they do!


Dont' be so base

14.06.2006 16:34

Yes, I used to work at HLS. No, I wasn't an animal technician.

I'm not denying that in the past, cruelty was indeed exposed at HLS. Those technicians, and the entire directorial board, including the MD, was replaced. Just using your corporate-profit theories against you for a second, do you think it makes good business sense to abuse animals? animals are incredibly expensive, and the results of those tests would have been useless. it isn't POLICY to abuse the animals.

That you see animal research in itself as abuse, I can do nothing about. But i believe it to be necessary. we have a kind of ideological stalemate, but I don't think your melodramatic rhetoric does anything to help the debate.

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"Its not out POLICY to abuse animals"

15.06.2006 14:11

"Its not our POLICY to abuse animals",really Shaquilia what solor planet are you from? HLS "tests" chemicals,pesticides,drugs,cosmetics and other industrial products on animals,the whole point of "animal testing" is to induce disease,injury,forced ingestion of those products and then "study",observe the animal in that condition(days,weeks,months or even years),an example if a "new" heart disease drug is being tried out on individual dogs,firstly the individual dog has to be induced with heart disease/heart attacks from external means,then the synthetic drugs are tried out on them,thus resulting in previous and consequentual harm(convulsions,vomiting,fitting etc-animal abuse),then there killed.You should really look into the past and present history of animal experimentation and stop deluding yourself,are you like the rest of society that believe(for self-advantage) the "animal welfare laws" are true and they "protect animals" when slaughterhouses,vivisection labs ect exist which are all contrary to "animal welfare."

The HLS white coated "technicians"(what do they mend machines) were not all fired only two were(and i think they were only suspended), in the American HLS lab none of them were fired,the Director of HLS Brian Cass used to be the Director of Covance Labs another animal experimenting lab that does the same acts of diseasement,poisoning,beatings, and killing as HLS.


missing the point again

16.06.2006 06:34

The point, dude, is that 'abuse' is a subjective term. You think all animal testing is animal abuse. I think that abuse of an animal is gratuitous harm done to an animal for no reason whatsoever.

Your comeback to this will be an error riddled rant like "OMG wot lyk HLS who do testing pestysides and kemikals OMG men in white coats OMG obviously its me against the system the human race is a herd of sheep OMG".

All I'm saying is, I happen to back animal research and I'm not dumb enough to buy the lie perpetuated by SHAC and co as to what goes on in these labs. I agree with animal testing, you don't. that's fine, we live in a democracy.

my problem is with the language you use and the way you present your argument; i haven't seen any facts or viable alternatives posed, you've just been ranting the same way you rant on this site about the "corporate media" and "corporate profits" etc etc. it's naivete on a base level

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Shaquila the Nazi

21.06.2006 16:57

You know I have been looking over the postings here and I haven't seen anything intelligent posted by you Shaquila or whatever you are called, except for hatred and malice for people who have compassion for animals, as well as finding animal suffering a source of amusement. Not only that, but your obvious contempt for homosexuals is worrying, especially since gay bashing is on the increase and the courts are hearing two cases per day. The hatred and malice you have for gays, animals and animal welfare people points to a very disturbed mindset.

Shac is gay? Grow up for Christ's sake.



21.08.2006 18:17

Well done for noticing my somewhat knowingly idiotic email address, I'd give you a medal but I ran out at the last special olympics.

It's actually a comment on the standard of debate I've come to expect form Animal rights supporters; misguided idiots, or hyper-paranoid self-righteous vegans with too much time on their hands from my experience.

I imagine you probably haven't read all of my comments; some have been idiotic, i grant you. others say what i actually think - you disagree with me so in your eyes that's idiotic. that's your prerogative, my friend

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