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BNP Meeting Smashed

Durruti's 5th Column | 06.06.2006 09:44

On the 30th of May, a number of anti-fascists stopped a BNP.meeting in Starbeck, North Yorkshire.

On the 30th of May, a number of anti-fascists stopped a BNP.meeting in Starbeck, North Yorkshire.

The gathering was being addressed by David Exely and Nick Cass. Approximately 30 mins into the meeting the windows of the venue were put through with half-bricks. The speakers, who were sat inches away from the windows and trapped in by tables were showered in glass.

The fascist BNP obviously considered it safe enough to hold this meeting without security; this action should be a warning that it will never be safe to organise as fascists anywhere in Yorkshire and any such activity may be targeted at any time...Beware!

Durruti's 5th Column


Hide the following 35 comments


06.06.2006 13:09

Nice one! Well done for showing them where to shove their fascism.


Well done

06.06.2006 15:19

By using violence and criminal damage to achieve your ends you've just shown that you're no better than the people you're campaigning against. Perhaps next time you could consider a more lighthearted campaign.

mail e-mail:
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As if on cue!

06.06.2006 17:12

A liberal tory, unable to diferentiate between fascists and antifascists, advocates clowning. How very bloody typical!


You're full of good intentions I'm sure

06.06.2006 19:42

But how do you know that the people attented the meeting that you "smashed" won't simply become even more deeply involved with the BNP? When progressive/anarchist/libertarian miltiant activists get subjected to police/state brutalilty it doesn't deter them from continuing from their activism, it usually reinforces their beliefs. If violence won't work in that case, why would it work in another?

How many people at the BNP meeting are now going to think "bloody communist thugs, I wasn't sure about what the BNP had to say to begin with, but now I am defintately with them", I wonder.

No doubt I'll be refered to as a "liberal hippie scumbag" and suchlike by subequent commenters, but still, sometimes I feel the need to express my 2p worth, freedom of speech and all that...

Mr. Humph

Glad to be of service...

06.06.2006 20:16

I'm perfectly capable of distinguishing between the two groups, my point was that the methods used were completely disproportionate to any threat that the meeting posed to local people. By using violence you're stooping to the same level as the thugs who protect the likes of Nick Griffin when he's doing the rounds. Your policies might be at different ends of the political spectrum, but your methods don't seem all that different from where I'm standing.

Also, whether you agree with their policies or not, the BNP are a registered political party - what right do you or anyone else have to use violence to disrupt their meetings? Would you smash the windows at a Respect conference, or your local Indymedia meeting? I doubt it. You can't just go around throwing bricks at people because you disagree with their political opinions.

Out of interest, have you ever been sat next to/below a window when someone has smashed it? I have on two occasions (not in political meetings I might add) and it's not an experience I would wish on anyone, no matter how much I might dislike them.

I feel I'm wasting my time writing this though, as you'll almost certainly come back with some "witty" comment about the Tories (even though I'm not even a member of that party) or a tirade of general abuse.

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reportage or threat?

06.06.2006 22:32

Having spent some of my day trawling through some very unpleasant racist sites (NOT bnp), I have a hard time with this message. One of the issues I was paying close attention to was the use of threats or intimidation. Is what you've posted so different from compliling hate lists, suggesting targets and so on?

mail e-mail:

Nice one

06.06.2006 22:49

This is exactly the response that the BNP deserve.

Unfortunately, most of the criticism of militant anti-fascist actions like this seems to come from people who are safe enough behind their comfortable salaries and Guardian supplements to not have to worry about the divisive effects of the BNP.

I'm pleased to see people having the spine to stand up and defend their communities against the insidious spread of the BNP. Don't pander to the liberal sensibilities of the mainstream left... sort them out in whatever way you deem appropriate.

"Fists, stones, batons and the gun... with courage we shall beat those blackshirts down."

Yorkshire RASH

Where did this happen?

06.06.2006 23:01

What the hell are people whinging about? For god's sake, they're not the bloody Lib Dems, they're the BNP - who cares if they get showered in glass... in fact who cares what happens to them at all???

Funny how any time some one posts on here about the fash getting some active opposition, there's a flood of whinging trolls (see above) crying about how awful it is...

Listen - working class communities need to protect their own interests, and that includes preventing the disease of fascism taking hold. A bit of broken glass is hardly worth fussing over, considering what these characters really deserve...

No Pasaran


Oi Oi 69

Action - Reaction

07.06.2006 00:00

"When progressive/anarchist/libertarian miltiant activists get subjected to police/state brutalilty it doesn't deter them from continuing from their activism"

It certainly deters a lot of them unfortunately, and we're of a far higher calibre than your average fascist gobshite.


Your all being foolish

07.06.2006 10:15

There is only one out come to this sort of violent action in the current climate. the more you and we all stand up and say no with any vaguely extremist action the easier it is for the government to discredit us saying we are the extremist fringe and convince the public that only a crazy person would disagree with the government or in the case the BNP. You all must notice the governments lack of attention or consistant spin or to use our apparent crazyness to validate each new law. I know this all sounds like old hat but i see a segnifigant differenc in that the government dicates public opinion rather than public opinion guidin government. I have not used the best language to ilustrate my point and perhaps i am nieve and have only just recognised an on going political tactic.


Friends and comrades

07.06.2006 10:28

From what I understand there is the will and desire within the militant anti-fascist movement to engage many other tactics as well as to thrust class-conciousness, internationalism and ultimately revolutionary ideas to the fore in working class communities.

It is very much an issue of resources. The time and effort let alone the money required to do these things with any real impact is and has not been available.

People have not taken a serious and committed approach to domestic working-class organisation for as long as Blair has been attacking us. While time, energy and money has been pouring into (all be it very worthwhile) single issue campaigns, usually overseas and quite often in defence of the earth and or animals. there has been neglect in the one area that could ultimately give us the power to change everything for the better; A COHESIVE, UNITED AND REVOLUTIONARY WORKING-CLASS.

And where we have failed the BNP have exploited.
The thing to do now is to contact your local Antifa group. Offer your time, energy, money and IDEAS and help broaden the fight against fascism, instead of leaving it up to a small group of people with little other choice than to employ the swiftest yeilding tactics.


Congrats Leeds anti-fascists

07.06.2006 11:56

Please ignore liberal hand wringing of previous posters about anti-fascists being as bad as fascists, violence solves nothing blah blah blah. Just more of the usual two dimensional bleatings we've come to expect from the liberal wing of the anti-racist movement.
Well done to all involved.
No Pasaran!

Dublin Anti-Fascist


07.06.2006 13:35

Maybe if we all sit on our arses and do nothing the government will just go away.


As it ever occured to you

07.06.2006 13:44

that many people who vote BNP, join the BNP, attend BNP meetings etc. are NOT all "fascist gobshites", but ordinarly working class people who have been let down by New Labour in a big, big way? One poster calls for "unifacation of the working class", but throwing bricks at them seems to be a very odd way of going about this. The way to get though to these misguided people is reason and debate, not violence and coercion. As it happens I have no qualms with genuinely fascist leadership (along with the morons who follow them) getting their just desserts. Also note that the BNP spend a lot of time and effort denying they are racist, Nazi thugs.

Also what threat to the ethnic minority community (as well as the working class as a whole) did that one meeting pose, where they were all in one place not beating the crap out of the nearest non-white available. All the BNP will say is that "we were holding this meeting not being a threat to anyone then these thugs go and brick us". If they were on the street trying to parade their filth (something they abandoned since Griffin took over, although the even more insignificant NF still does this) then maybe you would have a point.

Liberal middle class hippy wanker and proud.

Mr. Humph


07.06.2006 14:06

The BNP are one of the biggest obstacles to to a united working class.

Smash them and it becomes much easier foment revolution as there is less division, confusion and infighting in our class. This should be one of our top priorities!


hardly brave

07.06.2006 15:33

Hardly the full frontal bravery is it, throwing bricks and running away, you could have at least battered the first half dozen spoonheads that came running out, like many say it was only glass and not the bnp's glass at that, thats the trouble with the 635, all gob and no guts and not much brains either .
Ok critisize, but I will NEVER run away from a fascist.


Sorry, I got confused....

07.06.2006 23:23

I came into this thread, and indeed the indymedia world, only a few days ago. I am a handwringing, Guardian-reading liberal vegetarian, slightly sexually ambiguous scruff of mixed Euorpean lineage, more comfortable with a cup of tea than a tear-gas sodden Che T-shirt. I am proud of those things. I'm also comfortable with the cliches. They are handy little labels, like Lefty, Softy, Naieve, Fascist, Liberal. etc. Glancing up this page, I'd say I'm not alone.

But I'm obviously confused. See, I thought that the whole point was to find alternatives to old, useless, knuckleheaded tactics, and to use all these cool new toys and gadgets we have now to get organised and do something. Do something against violence, inequality and intimidation. This is the point I come unstuck, because, if you fight violence with violence, you tend to get... yeah....see, you are way ahead of me....

It's not like violence hasn't been tried, is it. It just doesn't work that well, but there's always a willing stream of new blood willing to give it a go. Good luck to you, but I would feel queasy about a victory won with bricks.

Sometimes the oppressed have to rise up violently for their liberty. That time is NOT here yet. If we can get this right, maybe it never will...
Sometimes there is no option for dialogue. Can't tick that box either.
Sometimes you don't have a whole legion of people on your side. That time is, like, SO not now.

I can't convince anyone that violence is wrong, as much as Id like. However, if you can't see why it's not going to help in this case, then you really aren't paying attention.

At the very least, we can be cleverer, surely? See, if it had been helium balloons with little kittens in baskets that sailed through that window, the reaction would have been much more interesting...


One set of thugs...

08.06.2006 05:55

versus another.

How quaint.

How pointless.

I guess it is meant to be thus.

Whatever meathead stereotype you wish to ascribe

little kittens v rocks

08.06.2006 09:15

As a supporter of any action against the bnp , wether its kittens in ballons [ is that after the windows were bricked or the windows magically opened] or half charlies through the windows, the critics all rush to condemn but seem to admit that campaigning against the fash is necessary so basically why don't you get out there and do something alternative ,at least the antifa lot are having a go with the resources they've got, do you critics really think other methods are not discussed ?,its about doing what you feel able to do , bricking meetings is a tactic not the be all of antifascism....its about stopping there ability to appear respectible,its about slowing the fuckers down,it means old one eye needs to pay his gorrilla security men to keep him safe ,and ultimatley it costs the bnp money....rant over, C.O.G

concerned of gipton


08.06.2006 09:25

Seriously, well done lads and lasses. I'm not even gonna begin to address the mostly bull-shit comments above. Just wanted to send a quick message of solidarity and support.
Keep yourselves tidy.
!No pasaran!



08.06.2006 09:39

Sorry you're right. We should wait untill we're just inside the gas chamber with guns in our backs and then organise a militant response to inate fascist violence.

Read some fucking history you morons.



08.06.2006 10:46

Bigmouth more like! Who says anyone came running out of this meeting? If you're so tough, there have been plenty of fash details published on Indymedia, why don't you get off your arse and do something about them?



08.06.2006 13:20

How many of you middle class college boys live in one of our nice multi-cultural areas like Bradford, Woolwich or Catford, how many of you are to earn a full time living when migrants keep wages down and how many of you have children who you send to schools where the non-white percentage is roughly 90%? Any takers, if not then you are hypocrites.


So brave

08.06.2006 13:36

Well done, you are so brave. The brick incident was highly amusing and happens regular in the rather rough and ready Starbeck area of harrogate, even when dregs from inner city student digs are still in bed. The landlady wasnt fussed and will have us back next month so please do drop in again wont you.

Unfortunately double glazing prevented the brick from coming all the way through and the meeting continued until the end. Harrogate stood only one candidate in the last local elections, but thanks to this, 12 more agreed to stand next time. British people wont be bullied by gutless thugs who run away after they have lobbed a brick into a room of hard working local people. Without you realising, your actions have helped move the BNP on in the town by five years - thanks.

You dont beleive me i know, but wait and see. It will make national news. BNP stand thirteen candidates in ultra yuppie Harrogate.

Thanks for your actions, every little bit helps. Keep up the good work and we will see you next month.

Nick Cass


08.06.2006 14:08

What are the BNP? Moderately left of Center right? Centre right? I know they are castigated as far right but that just doesnt tally up. I think they have nutty elements on the fringe of their support base but so do the tories. You do know that both far left and far right groups and the groups that have spun off from them were created as a psyops organisations to give the militant left/right a respective enemy.. to detract them from questioning the madness of the current 'political' leaders in parliament.. who have interests vested in anything but their citizens concern.


bricking it

08.06.2006 15:30

I'm sure your lives in the inner cities are simply hellish. Frankly, whenever I leave my mansion I prefer to don the kevlar and have Charles drive me to the boozer. Swerving 'round the pheasants is ghastly.

History, you say? That's quite a big subject, care to narrow it down?

My point is be smarter, not harder. They'll judge us on what we do, same as we do them. Read their response, genuine or not, it backs up what the doves on here have been saying. This is what they want.

Peace, anyone?


Fao nick cass

08.06.2006 17:43

now that we know you read indymedia I hearby challenge you to a game of squash, is fearnville sports centre [Leeds] working class enough for you , ? why are you posting on here if the bricks didnt rattle you ? tosser.

concerned of gipton

hey John

08.06.2006 23:01

I'll tell you where I live, if you tell me first. . . . .

green 'n' black

What a shambles

08.06.2006 23:26

It is time people stopped attaching the names of Anarchist heros to juvenile antics.

And time people calling themselves anti-fascists stopped turning themselves into fascists.

And time both lots woke up to the very real Fascists who now control the Labour Party and are building Global Fascism as planned by a Fascist conspiracy that also has tentacles into the Lib Dems, and probably into all the other Parties too. And yes, that is so serious people might have to turn themselves into Fascists to stop that. But be honest about it.

Someone called for working class solidarity. For some that would mean joining with those who were shooting us dead in the Revolution. and besides the British working class is now pretty solidly middle class. Never mind, Globalization will soon reduce their living standards as the jobs all drain out of Britain, inflation destroys the currency, and political idiocy destroys Brittish Agriculture's capacity to feed our population. - Good farms are having subsidies to turn into Parks around the planning accelerated 'important' houses of the Rich. Trees and Riparian Zones reduce the food supply (to enable the bosses to be sure of control?).


Wow! We're so impressed!

09.06.2006 11:22

Please ignore the self-loathing fascists of previous posters who constantly attempt to justify their own psychopathic behaviour by trying to draw some sort of "morality" or "superiority" to their own fascist tendencies. Just more of the usual two dimensional bleatings we've come to expect from the moronic wing of the anti-racist movement that basically means zero to real anti-fascism.

No Pasaran! (hey! is that cool or what)

Nestor's Left Testicle Aged 13 3/4

Cass my arse!

09.06.2006 14:13

Seems the fascist trolls are well out of the woodwork now, hardly surprising really, no more so than the liberal morons unable to differentiate between anti-racists and the Fash. I seriously doubt that is Cass posting, but whoever it is they're lying through their arse, not just about the incident, but about the reaction to it. Do you think the location of the meeting was discovered without BNP infiltration, and as the meeting was infiltrated we know what the reaction was to the windows going through?


brid boys win again

09.06.2006 22:46

Hey looks like the numbnuts, sent out an invite to the Brid BNP again !

infultrator spotter


12.06.2006 16:10

“Only one thing could have stopped our movement – if our adversaries had understood its principle and from the first day had smashed with the utmost brutality the nucleus of our new movement.”

Adolf Hitler



15.06.2006 08:43

The statement by Hitler about opponents smashing him is pure crap, he was taking the piss. Right from the beginning Adolf had the guns and tanks of the Free Corps and most of the establishment behind him, the left never stood a chance, they were just out gunned.

As for throwing a few bricks through windows where the BNP are holding a meeting...fucking BIG DEAL. In the 70's the meeing would have been heavily picketed, so no one got into the place.......we are going backwards and I despire....the working class need orgainsing so mass action can be taken.


If I had been at the meeting

19.08.2006 08:30

when the leftie sumbags attacked all hell would have broken out. Keep going NC and show these middle calass pillocks what true political activism is.