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Please sign the petition to get 9-11 videos and photos released into public doma

Brian | 02.06.2006 06:09

The US government is holding videos and photos of the Pentagon attack that it has refused to release, even after 5 years. Why are they still hiding this info? If they want to put conspiracy theories to rest, all they need to do is release two videos from a CTIGO gas station and the Sheraton hotel.



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02.06.2006 09:28

It only fuels these eejits' paranoia= more stupid spam here.

SIck of 9/11 distractions

Re: Your Disinformation

02.06.2006 18:17

Can you elaborate, or are you satisfied that your weak Disinformation will dissuade people from signing?

The FACT remains that there is absolutely no evidence to support the criminal Bush/PNAC Regime's Conspiracy Theory, solely upon which they've launched a long-planned agenda of Perpetual War against Zionism's enemy, and Fascism domestically.

Why protect a Terror Cell of psychopathic, pathological LIARS, like the one in DC?

911 = PNAC, CIA, Mossad


06.06.2006 21:54

It only fuels these eejits' paranoia= more stupid spam here.

SIck of 9/11 distractions