Rachel Berg | 29.05.2006 18:26 | Health | London
New mums in a hurry to get back in shape risk serious injury if they start running too soon, warn postnatal fitness experts Pushy Mothers. And celebrity mothers hitting the gym within days of giving birth send out the wrong message to mums everywhere.
“Postnatal recovery needs very specific exercise,” says Judy DiFiore, co-founder of Pushy Mothers and author of The Complete Guide to Postnatal Fitness. “Even if you were fit before and during your pregnancy you can’t just go back to your old regime. Your body needs to heal and the wrong kind of exercise can cause even more damage.”
Running is a real no-no as new mums’ ligaments are vulnerable thanks to the hormone Relaxin and can easily be damaged. Pelvic floor muscles need to be trained and strengthened and the shock of high impact exercise can cause problems. Ab crunches – those old gym favourites – must also be avoided as the abdominal muscles separate during pregnancy and need to heal.
Gentle exercise, such as walking with the pram, is perfect for the first six to eight weeks until the doctor has given a new mum the all-clear, Then mums eager to banish the baby fat should take part in specific exercise classes such as the Pushy Mothers workout.
Devised by postnatal fitness experts Judy DiFiore and Rachel Berg, who have 25 years experience between them, and endorsed by the Guild of Pregnancy & Postnatal Exercise Instructors, the Pushy Mothers workout is safe, specific and effective.
The hour-long workout combines cardio pushing with baby in the buggy with resistance training and core stability work, which is tailored for new mums’ needs.
Pushy Mothers runs weekly workouts in London and is rolling out more classes throughout the UK. For more information or to find a class visit
For further information and interviews contact Rachel Berg 020 7267 6578/07989 831256 or email
Running is a real no-no as new mums’ ligaments are vulnerable thanks to the hormone Relaxin and can easily be damaged. Pelvic floor muscles need to be trained and strengthened and the shock of high impact exercise can cause problems. Ab crunches – those old gym favourites – must also be avoided as the abdominal muscles separate during pregnancy and need to heal.
Gentle exercise, such as walking with the pram, is perfect for the first six to eight weeks until the doctor has given a new mum the all-clear, Then mums eager to banish the baby fat should take part in specific exercise classes such as the Pushy Mothers workout.
Devised by postnatal fitness experts Judy DiFiore and Rachel Berg, who have 25 years experience between them, and endorsed by the Guild of Pregnancy & Postnatal Exercise Instructors, the Pushy Mothers workout is safe, specific and effective.
The hour-long workout combines cardio pushing with baby in the buggy with resistance training and core stability work, which is tailored for new mums’ needs.
Pushy Mothers runs weekly workouts in London and is rolling out more classes throughout the UK. For more information or to find a class visit
For further information and interviews contact Rachel Berg 020 7267 6578/07989 831256 or email

Rachel Berg