[no title]
Auntie Censer | 28.05.2006 18:40 | Analysis | Education | Repression
Get a (down) load of this before it disappears?
It's still up on Google but the projected US 'tour' of this film seems to have been torpedoed - wonder why?

It's still up on Google but the projected US 'tour' of this film seems to have been torpedoed - wonder why?

The letter is dated May 26...
Yeah, they took him down right smart, didn't they?
Based on the blog entries, he was just sailing along... the film was gonna be shown all over the place, it was picking up some momentum... and then, boom!
A number of people have noted that Loose Change omitted any mention of Israel from their "theories" and that this meant they were cointelpro. It was also noted that Alex Jones and others "took them up" and promoted them.
Well, omitting Israel might have been the reason for the promotion, but I think that the inclusion of the no 757 at the Pentagon is the reason for the attack. Notice that the attacking firm is a high end, expensive, mostly Jewish gang...
That Pentagon issue is the big sore toe of the PTB. It's the only thing that draws them out. And of course, it is the Pentagon that most completely implicates MOSSAD/Israel as more than "brokers." It points to them as actual perpetrators. Somebody else had to "do the deed" while our side just "stood down" for that one, and the only one capable and with the history to do it is Israel. And I think they included a little "double cross" in that one just to keep control of their US co-conspirators. That's the reason for Flight 77 with Babs onboard going missing. MOSSAD wanted insurance...
Thing is, getting cocky as these young folks did will get ya busted everytime. It's a hard lesson to learn. The kid doesn't seem to realize that he is playing with big boys that play for keeps. I think that if he had left out the Pentagon issue, nobody would have gone after him at all. He would have been just another useful idiot working for cointelpro without even realizing it. But he included the ONE thing that the PTB just can't seem to let pass: the No Plane at the Pentagon issue.
Again, we get a small peek behind the curtain...
Archivists wanted Urgently:-

How they're going to rein in the DVDs is another matter but you can be sure it ain't going mainstream no more...
Auntie Censer