"JFK Murder Solved" sent to Hidden Post; now Hidden Post removed
Peter Graves-Goodman | 26.05.2006 15:35
I noticed the video "JFK Murder Solved - Bush Sr. Link to Kennedy Assassination" posted on 25-5-2006 to your Newswire was removed to the Hidden Post section with the designation SPAM. The video was reposted to your Newswire as "JFK Murder Solved" and now the Hidden Posts section has been deactivated or removed to prevent you from seeing the video about who really assassanated President Kennedy in Dallas.
* View the video "JFK Assassanation Solved" at: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4315024059102108031&q=loose+change
The video was reposted to your Newswire as "JFK Murder Solved" and now the Hidden Posts section has been deactivated or removed to prevent you from seeing the video about who really assassanated President Kennedy in Dallas.
We waited a long time to see the truth and now your Indymedia UK Editor or Administrator has hidden the video from you.
It looks like government moles have taken over your UK Indymedia operation. This is not the first time something important has been posted only to have it disappear.
In closing let me say, I am one of 4 administrators and editors of the Miami Indymedia Center website. I know when a imc has been taken over. Reclaim your UK Indymedia site, get new administrators and/ or editors
The video was reposted to your Newswire as "JFK Murder Solved" and now the Hidden Posts section has been deactivated or removed to prevent you from seeing the video about who really assassanated President Kennedy in Dallas.
We waited a long time to see the truth and now your Indymedia UK Editor or Administrator has hidden the video from you.
It looks like government moles have taken over your UK Indymedia operation. This is not the first time something important has been posted only to have it disappear.
In closing let me say, I am one of 4 administrators and editors of the Miami Indymedia Center website. I know when a imc has been taken over. Reclaim your UK Indymedia site, get new administrators and/ or editors
Peter Graves-Goodman