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Latest "bin Laden" Fake: Americans No Longer Buying It

ABC's Fake Blog | 25.05.2006 23:29 | Education | World

The Media Has Absolutely No Credibility Left.

IN response to the most recent irresponsible bit of "reporting" by ABC News, the Government through its media claims yet another Bin Laden sighting.

However, in allowing the public its say, the media must now see that the public is no longer buying its bullsh*t ...

Check it out:

ABC's Fake Blog


Hide the following 7 comments

What a great article.

26.05.2006 12:12

Makes an assertion then doesn't back it up.

Lab Tech

Sure It Does

26.05.2006 18:56

Sure it does.

All you have to do is follow the link provided, and read the comments.

911 = PNAC, CIA, Mossad


26.05.2006 20:59

"Latest "bin Laden" Fake"

Where does it back up this assertion?

Lab Tech


27.05.2006 19:05

Until proven to be genuine, nothing presented to us by the LIARS perpetuating this Madness should be believed. Take a look at the analyses of the different actors portraying CIA Asset Timn Osman (UBL). Note that the media has not undertaken any sort of analysis at all of the tapes, two of which were discredited by European labs.

Bin Laden was most likely killed in 2002, unless his kidney failure did him in first.

It's interesting that Plants like you never demand evidence from these War Criminals and LIARS ...

911 = PNAC, CIA, Mossad


29.05.2006 10:25

911 has a point.

We shouldn't believe anything just because we are told to. We all need to weigh up the available evidence, consider it carefully, and come to a conclusion.

Where most of us vary from our friend is that he has singularly failed to provide any evidence to support his alternative hypothesis.

Indeed you will recall that he claims that the absence of evidence is, in itself, evidence. Anyone asking for evidence is engaging in deliberate disinformation.

Now I ask you, in the absence of any sort of compelling case from 911 and co, why should we believe them any more than we should believe the US government?



01.06.2006 10:54

I am writing to you from beyond death's dark veil. I am indeed very dead. So that settles the matter and the Canadian anti-semite is right about every nutty theory he posts!

P.S. It's hot down here, but the facilities are better than Tora Bora.

Usama Bin Ladin

Nice reliable site man!

07.06.2006 21:12

This stupid Tim Osman shit originates from this site:

Check the archives of the site and judg for yourself the veracity of anything it carries:

I doubt even some of the girls are "barely legal".

Did you find the article browsing for teen pics?

Pede O'phile