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Sheffield Palestine Protest Photos

Chris | 25.05.2006 22:18 | Repression | Sheffield

Some photos from a Sheffield Palestine Solidarity Campaign protest held in Sheffield on Thursday 25th May 2006. Quite a lot of leaflets (see the attached PDF) and letters for MPs were given out and several members of the public stopped to discuss what is happening in Palestine.

The notice of the protest is here:

There are a couple of photos on the Sheffield Palestine Solidarity Campaign site also:

There is another protest planned in Sheffield on 10th June:

Lobby - Sheffield Town Hall 10th June, 12-2pm. For the new Israeli Government it is business as usual. Palestine is being stolen in front of our very eyes behind the facade of Israeli peace.



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Another bullshit campaign

26.05.2006 01:12

As you go on about your Palestine and Iraq campaigns, the BNP goes on with what really matters to the British working class, problems like council house shortage,closure of factories,minimum wage,etc...

I am not surprised at all that the working class has choosen them over you


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