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Photos of Former Commander in Chief opposing war on Iran

CASMII | 25.05.2006 12:57 | Anti-militarism | London | World

Photos of Commander Hugh Beach and Tony Benn outside Downing Street on CASMII delegation to see Tony Blair.

CASMII delegation to Downing Street
CASMII delegation to Downing Street

Here are the images of former Commander in Chief of British Landforces, General Sir Hugh Beach delivering a petition to Downing Street opposing an attack on Iran. The delegation was organised by CASMII (the Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran) and included several eminient scientists and politicians including Tony Benn. Jack Straw was invited but according to his office was unable to attend due to "diary constraints".

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the whole of CASMII doesnt equal even one millionth of Mr Brian Haw

25.05.2006 18:24

Well you certainly weren't going to have Brian Haw or Dahr Jamail deliver your 'petition' were you.

Jack Straw not available. Should have tried for Rose West, or maybe someone could have shipped over the festering lump once known as Ariel Sharon. Hey, perhaps you should have got Blair himself to hand it over, since he most closely represents your intents and ideals. Or Peter Tatchell, but then he's busy in Russia trying to 'clean' his rep in readiness for the next round of anti-Iran propaganda.

Brian Haw is more of a human than every single one of you mealy mouthed stooges combined, including your 'eminient scientists' (sorry, were they supposed to impress someone?).

Still, at least Benn got to have a good laugh with Hilary later, at the thought of all those idiots that still buy into the idea the Benn ever represented the forces of peace. One things for certain, the Iranians won't allow Benn into the country on the verge of war to identify likely bombing targets to British military intelligence, like he did in Iraq. On the other hand, the Iraqis weren't stupid, and their leaders survived Benn and Blair's bombs precisely because they knew the game Benn was playing on his 'last minute' visit.

Here's a clue for the clueless. Histroy repeats. Languages and cultures change, but Human psychology remains constant. The 'mysteries' of the present are all to easily understood by a simple examination of recorded history. Spotting a fake, spotting a quisling, spotting a traitor is trivial once this is realised. To be effective in their role, a person is required to replicate the behaviour patterns of those that carried out similar roles in the past, allowing us to simply identify pattern matches.

There are NO genuine large-scale organisations in the West that oppose Blair's coming genocide of Iran. There are, however, many tens of millions of individuals in the West who most certainly do. Of course, in lands like ours, these people remember that even the largest protest in London achieved exactly nothing, in either stopping Blair's war, or removing Blair at the following election.

The best way to stop a criminal is NOT anticipating his next crime, but properly punishing his LAST. The fake anti-Iran war organisations exist to keep the focus on Iran, NOT Blair and Bush.

If I knew the location of a serial killer in my neighbourhood, would I hand him a petition requesting that he did not seek out and murder another victim. Can you imagine a more moronic act? And yet, here on Indymedia is just such a report.

Please remember, the biggest obstacle to Blair's war plans are the US military planners. They have NO problem with the genocide of MILLIONS in Iran, but are troubled by exactly how the attack and its aftermath will advantage the US. Blair can NEVER make his war plan make sense to these people, so he requires an external pro-war momentum that ensures these military planners have all their objections squashed flat.

This is exactly what happened with Iraq (not Afghanistan, military planners were fine with that campaign). Saddam was a pro-US strongman even after years of sanctions, and would have safely delivered Iraq oil. Attacking Iraq made ZERO sense from any military point of view. However, attacking Iraq was the first stage in the NeoCon program of genociding the muslim people of the Earth. Iraq HAD to be invaded to prepare for war with Iran. For Blair, providing the support that allowed for the first time in US history the opportunity for the 'crazies' to control the government, was crucial for his plan to start World War Three.

To understand this better, imagine Blair in power during the early 60's. The Cuban missile crisis would then have become the US-Cuba war, triggering World War Three as Blair's support of the same NeoCon 'crazies' (who have been around in growing numbers since the end of WW2) would have allowed the US to strike Cuba, causing Cuba to strike back with its battery of nuclear weapons (Cuba already had a large nuclear stockpile, unreported to the general public at the time).

The leader is NOT the man that does the work, but the man that causes the work to be done.


Great comment, twilight

26.05.2006 12:07

It would seem you are familiar with the concept of 'ponerology' even if you don't call it that?

If you can be bothered to wade through the very turgid but telling book recently published:-

"Political Ponerology: A Science on The Nature of Evil adjusted for Political Purposes"
by Andrew M. Lobaczewski

it might clarify(?) further the present and ongoing hijacking of democracy throughout the western world. Here's a likely place to start for anyone looking for new tools to understand the predicament of the majority:-



26.05.2006 13:16

try to resize your photos before uploading them to the newswire. This image is huge, probably doesn't fit on anyones screen, and the problem is very easily remedied:
Ideally photos should be in a compressed format such as .jpeg and should be less than 50k file size. The width to be viewable easily on everyones screen should be restricted to 540 pixels, certainly no more than 1024.
