Manchester picket in support of the strikers of Mercadona (Barcelona)
Worker Freedom | 25.05.2006 12:54 | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements
Just to remind you/let you know that we are picketing the Spanish
consulate on Spring Garden (off Moseley Street) on Wednesday in relation
to the Mercadona dispute (some info on this below). We are meeting in the
Basement at 12noon, aiming to start the picket before 12.30. The consulate
shuts at 2pm. If anyone has any placards handy they are more than welcome.
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For over two months our Spanish sister union, the CNT-IWA, has maintained
a strike at the distribution centre of the Mercadona supermarket chain
near Barcelona. Workers there, mainly immigrants who could face
deportation, are asking for an end to victimisation of union members,
improvements in health and safety (Spain has one of Europe's highest
accident rates at work down to employers' negligence), paid breaks and the
reinstatement of three sacked workers.
These may seem to be basic demands but the company is exerting all its
strength to demolish the strike and the union, the CNT, which has a strong
presence amongst the workers. In addition, police have visited the home of
the union secretary and large police presences have tried to halt
demonstrations that have been banned by the local government, in absolute
contradiction with supposed democratic rights to organise and demonstrate
The Solidarity Federation, the British counterpart of the Spanish
anarcho-syndicalist union the CNT, has sent messages of support and money
to the strikers. We are now picketing Spanish interests across Britain in
order to make sure that the CNT workers know they are not alone. Other
sections of the IWA (International Workers' Association) such as the
Italian USI and the Argentinian FORA have done the same.
Victory to the Mercadona strikers!
Victory for the CNT!
Solidarity Federation-Manchester
Worker Freedom