Call for antipatriarchy-antiheterosexism focus at European PGA conference
homo | 25.05.2006 00:15 | Gender | Globalisation | Social Struggles
We invite you to contribute to nine days of debate, learning and - hopefully - organizing around questions of gender, the fight against male domination and heterosexism - this summer, from Saturday 19 to Sunday 27 August 2006, in the context of the decentralized part of the European PGA conference.
What is PGA?
PGA is a coordination tool of various groups and persons all over the world involved in anticapitalist and antiauthoritarian struggles and practices.
Since 1997 the conferences have been occasions to meet for a few days, exchange knowledge and skills, make connections and organise for common actions.
For more info see:
The 2006 conference will take place in two stages. The first will be a decentralized meeting in at least five different locations in France & Swiss (urban squats, rural collectives...). The second stage will be a five- day meeting of all participants in one central location, with the aim of bringing the discussions together.
At the last meeting of the network STAMP (the convenors of this year's conference) on 8 april 2006 in Toulouse it was decided to create an antipatriarchy-antiheterosexism focus in one of the locations of the decentralized part of the conference. At the same time the intention to treat questions of gender, male domination and heterosexism as transversal thematics present in all debates was affirmed.
For an antipatriarchy-antiheterosexism focus:
Despite worldwide struggles of the movements of women, gays, lesbians, queers, transgendered people, intersexuals..., their oppression remains.
Ideologies that legitimise the exploitation and oppression of women abound.
For too many people, the oppression and marginalisation of all those who don't conform to dominant norms of gender and sexuality is invisible, or appears natural.
The forms of consciousness that enable this blindness are
unchallenged in their global effectiveness. And in many radical and
emancipatory movements the way gender and sexuality are dealt with is completely insufficient.
In our opinion, most radical, emancipatory, subversive movements the world over still think and act way too much in national frameworks. We believe much much more needs to be done in the way of international, transnational, antinational... meetings, debates and organisation.
Racisms, xenophobia, antisemitism, patriarchal gender relations, heterosexism, capitalism, state and nation exist world-wide –
therefore the struggles against them must be global.
All the different forms of social power and domination are inseparably linked. The struggles against them must therefore also be linked.
The social construction of sexuality and gender takes different forms not only in different societies, but also in different scenes and movements.
Accordingly the theoretical and practical critique of gender and sexuality must take different shapes.
So: What we want is to learn from each other, to inspire each other, to discuss and argue and develop new ideas and kinds of political action on an international level.
Some proposed topics:
Gender, precarity and migration
Orientalism, racism and sexism
Feminist movements and histories
Learning from Black and Third World feminisms
Concrete solidarity across borders
Work, exchange, exploitation: economic, emotional, sexual
Gender and: love, sex, affective relations
Transgender politics
The construction of identities and queer reflexions
Antisemitism and gender
Feminisms and ways of life
Critiques of the idea of nature
Body norms and body politics
Profeminist men's groups/initiatives
If you want to propose a topic, or you want to take responsibility for a certain discussion, lead a workshop, show a film, share your experiences, in other words, if you want to concretely contribute to this project in one way or another, contact us, the preparation group, at
the followingaddress:
PGA is a coordination tool of various groups and persons all over the world involved in anticapitalist and antiauthoritarian struggles and practices.
Since 1997 the conferences have been occasions to meet for a few days, exchange knowledge and skills, make connections and organise for common actions.
For more info see:
The 2006 conference will take place in two stages. The first will be a decentralized meeting in at least five different locations in France & Swiss (urban squats, rural collectives...). The second stage will be a five- day meeting of all participants in one central location, with the aim of bringing the discussions together.
At the last meeting of the network STAMP (the convenors of this year's conference) on 8 april 2006 in Toulouse it was decided to create an antipatriarchy-antiheterosexism focus in one of the locations of the decentralized part of the conference. At the same time the intention to treat questions of gender, male domination and heterosexism as transversal thematics present in all debates was affirmed.
For an antipatriarchy-antiheterosexism focus:
Despite worldwide struggles of the movements of women, gays, lesbians, queers, transgendered people, intersexuals..., their oppression remains.
Ideologies that legitimise the exploitation and oppression of women abound.
For too many people, the oppression and marginalisation of all those who don't conform to dominant norms of gender and sexuality is invisible, or appears natural.
The forms of consciousness that enable this blindness are
unchallenged in their global effectiveness. And in many radical and
emancipatory movements the way gender and sexuality are dealt with is completely insufficient.
In our opinion, most radical, emancipatory, subversive movements the world over still think and act way too much in national frameworks. We believe much much more needs to be done in the way of international, transnational, antinational... meetings, debates and organisation.
Racisms, xenophobia, antisemitism, patriarchal gender relations, heterosexism, capitalism, state and nation exist world-wide –
therefore the struggles against them must be global.
All the different forms of social power and domination are inseparably linked. The struggles against them must therefore also be linked.
The social construction of sexuality and gender takes different forms not only in different societies, but also in different scenes and movements.
Accordingly the theoretical and practical critique of gender and sexuality must take different shapes.
So: What we want is to learn from each other, to inspire each other, to discuss and argue and develop new ideas and kinds of political action on an international level.
Some proposed topics:
Gender, precarity and migration
Orientalism, racism and sexism
Feminist movements and histories
Learning from Black and Third World feminisms
Concrete solidarity across borders
Work, exchange, exploitation: economic, emotional, sexual
Gender and: love, sex, affective relations
Transgender politics
The construction of identities and queer reflexions
Antisemitism and gender
Feminisms and ways of life
Critiques of the idea of nature
Body norms and body politics
Profeminist men's groups/initiatives
If you want to propose a topic, or you want to take responsibility for a certain discussion, lead a workshop, show a film, share your experiences, in other words, if you want to concretely contribute to this project in one way or another, contact us, the preparation group, at
the followingaddress:
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